Synlett 2015; 26(12): 1744-1748
DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1380751
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Synthesis of 2-Quinolinones through Palladium(II) Acetate Catalyzed Cyclization of N-(2-Formylaryl)alkynamides

Jianbo Zhang
State Key Laboratory of Organometallic Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 345 Lingling Road, Shanghai 200032, P. R. of China   eMail:   eMail:
Xiuling Han*
State Key Laboratory of Organometallic Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 345 Lingling Road, Shanghai 200032, P. R. of China   eMail:   eMail:
Xiyan Lu*
State Key Laboratory of Organometallic Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 345 Lingling Road, Shanghai 200032, P. R. of China   eMail:   eMail:
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Received: 26. März 2015

Accepted after revision: 20. April 2015

01. Juni 2015 (online)


A Pd(OAc)2-catalyzed cyclization of N-(2-formyl­aryl)alkynamides initiated by the oxypalladation of alkynes was developed. The method provides a new approach for the efficient and atom-economical synthesis of 2-quinolinone derivatives.

Supporting Information

  • References and Notes

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