Synlett 2017; 28(20): 2936-2940
DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1588563
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Synthesis of Tetraarylmethanes by the Triflic Acid-Promoted Formal Cross-Dehydrogenative Coupling of Triarylmethanes with Arenes

Masakazu Nambo*
a   Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (WPI-ITbM), Nagoya University, Chikusa, Nagoya, 464-8602, Japan   eMail:
Jacky C.-H. Yim
a   Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (WPI-ITbM), Nagoya University, Chikusa, Nagoya, 464-8602, Japan   eMail:
Kevin G. Fowler
a   Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (WPI-ITbM), Nagoya University, Chikusa, Nagoya, 464-8602, Japan   eMail:
Cathleen M. Crudden*
a   Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (WPI-ITbM), Nagoya University, Chikusa, Nagoya, 464-8602, Japan   eMail:
b   Queen’s University, Department of Chemistry, Chernoff Hall, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6, Canada   eMail:
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This work was supported by KAKENHI from JSPS (26810056 and 17K17805 to M.N.). M.N. thanks the Chugai Pharmaceutical Company Award in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan. J.C.-H.Y. is a recipient of a JSPS postdoctoral fellowship for research in Japan (16F16749). We also thank JSPS and NU for funding this research through The World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI) program
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Received: 15. Juni 2017

Accepted after revision: 19. Juli 2017

26. September 2017 (online)

Dedicated to Professor Victor Snieckus, colleague, mentor, and friend on the occasion of his 80th birthday.


The formal cross-dehydrogenative coupling of triarylmethanes with arenes promoted by triflic acid and 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone is described. This method provides a variety of tetraarylmethane derivatives in good to excellent yields from triarylmethanes that can be readily prepared by our previous methods. Control experiments suggest a possible catalytic cycle involving the generation of a trityl cation intermediate followed by nucleophilic addition of the arene.

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