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DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1615832
Cellular Consequences of the Initiation of Blood Coagulation
09. Dezember 2017 (online)

This paper reviews some of the cell biological aspects of the consequences of blood clotting initiation. These intracellular events occur in cells carrying tissue factor (TF) when its ligand, factor VIIa, is bound to the receptor-like TF surface molecules. The intracellular signaling generated by this ligand/receptor binding and some of its consequences are described and parallel experiments with factor Xa are discussed.
The role of TF as a major player in the initiation of blood coagulation has been known since the last century1,2 and is now characterized in molecular detail. Research on TF, for a long period and for obvious reasons, concentrated on its essential role as a cofactor in this process. Its importance in the development of clinical thrombosis, be it venous or arterial, has been appreciated since it was discovered that monocytes and macrophages3 and endothelial cells,4 under certain conditions, could be induced to synthesize TF. This contributed to answering the previously unresolved question about how TF got into contact with the flowing blood in the absence of any trauma. We later demonstrated that the TF induction process, in many cases, is subject to down-regulation by cAMP5,6 and that Ca2+ influx can induce the synthesis,5,6 along with a large number of other compounds.7 We also showed that protein kinase C was a mediator in at least some of these inducing pathways.8
The purification of TF in 19739 showed that TF was an integral membrane protein. By 1977 it was clear that TF likely participated in functions other than blood clotting.10 The cloning of the gene for TF11-14 suggested that, structurally, TF was a member of the Class II cytokine receptor family.15 To fulfil the criteria for being a true receptor, it also needed a specific and high-affinity ligand, which it has in factor VII. Also, to be classified as a true receptor, ligand binding should generate an intracellular signal. In 1992, we presented the first report of such a signal in the form of Ca2+ peaks. These peaks were triggered by the addition of factor VIIa to endothelial cells carrying TF on their surface as a result of exposure to interleukin 1β. These signals were characterized further16,17 and were thought to render final proof for the function of the TF receptor.
This review discusses our findings with respect to TF/factor VIIa-induced intracellular Ca2+-signaling and concludes that there is likely a two-component receptor. The more consequential question—whether this intracellular signaling leads to altered gene expression and to other phenotypic changes—is also raised. The establishment of knockout mice18–20 and efforts to solve the three-dimensional structure of this complex by x-ray diffraction21–24 are not reviewed extensively.
- 1 Loeb L. Weitere Untersuchungen über Blutgerinnung. Beitr Chem Physiol Pathol. 1904; 5: 534-557.
- 2 Morawitz P. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Blutgerinnung. Beitr Chem Physiol Pathol. 1904; 5: 133-141.
- 3 Rivers RP, Hathaway WE, Weston WL. The endotoxin-induced coagulant activity of human monocytes. Br J Haematol. 1975; 30 (03) 311-316.
- 4 Lyberg T, Galdal KS, Prydz H. Synthesis of Thromboplastin in Endothelial Cells. Second International Symposium on the Biology of the Vascular Endothelial Cell. Cambridge, UK: 1981. abstract No.47.
- 5 Prydz H, Lyberg T. Effect of some drugs on thromboplastin (factor III) activity of human monocytes in vitro. Biochem Pharmacol. 1980; 29: 9-14.
- 6 Lyberg T. Effect of cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP on thromboplastin (factor III) synthesis in human monocytes in vitro. Thromb Haemost. 1983; 50 (04) 804-809.
- 7 Camerer E, Kolstø A-B, Prydz H. Cell biology of tissue factor, the principal initiator of blood coagulation. Thromb Res. 1996; 81 (01) 1-41.
- 8 Pettersen KS, Thune Wiiger M, Narahara N, Andoh K, Gaudernack G, Prydz H. Induction of tissue factor synthesis in human umbilical vein endothelial cells involves protein kinase C. Thromb Haemost. 1992; 67: 473-477.
- 9 Bjorklid E, Storm E, Prydz H. The protein component of human brain thromboplastin. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1973; 55: 969-976.
- 10 Bjørklid E, Storm-Mathisen J, Storm E, Prydz H. Localization of tissue thromboplastin in the human brain. Thromb Haemost. 1977; 37: 91.
- 11 Fisher KL, Gorman CM, Vehar GA, O’Brien DP, Lawn RM. Cloning and expression of human tissue factor cDNA. Thromb Res. 1987; 48 (01) 89-99.
- 12 Scarpati EM, Wen D, Broze Jr. GJ, Miletich JP, Flander-Meyer RR, Siegel NR, Sadler JE. Human tissue factor: cDNA sequence and chromosome localization of the gene. Biochemistry. 1987; 26 (17) 5234-5238.
- 13 Spicer EK, Horton R, Bloem L, Bach R, Williams KR, Guha A, Kraus J, Lin TC, Nemerson Y, Konigsberg WH. Isolation of cDNA clones coding for human tissue factor: Primary structure of the protein and cDNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1987; 84 (15) 5148-5152.
- 14 Morrissey JH, Fakhrai H, Edgington TS. Molecular cloning of the cDNA for tissue factor, the cellular receptor for the initiation of the coagulation cascade. Cell. 1987; 50: 129-135.
- 15 Bazan JF. Structural design and molecular evolution of a cytokine receptor superfamily. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1990; 87 (18) 6934-6938.
- 16 Røttingen J-A, Enden T, Camerer E, Iversen J-G, Prydz H. Binding of human factor VIIa to tissue factor induces cytosolic Ca2+ signals in J82 cells, transfected COS-1 cells, Madin-Darby canine kidney cells and human endothelial cells induced to synthesize tissue factor. J Biol Chem. 1995; 270 (09) 4650-4660.
- 17 Camerer E, Røttingen J-A, Iversen J-G, Prydz H. Coagulation factors VII and X induce Ca2+ oscillations in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells only when proteolytically active. J Biol Chem. 1996; 271 (46) 29034-29042.
- 18 Bugge TH, Xiao Q, Kombrinck KW, Flick MJ, Holmback K, Danton HJS, Colbert MC, Witte DP, Fujikawa K, Davie EW, Degen JL. Fatal embryonic bleeding events in mice lacking tissue factor, the cell-associated initiator of blood-coagulation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1996; 93: 6258-6263.
- 19 Carmeliet P, Mackman N, Moons L, Luther T, Gressens P, Van Vlaenderen I, Demunck H, Kasper M, Breier G, Evrard P, Muller M, Risau W, Edgington T, Collen D. Role of tissue factor in embryonic blood-vessel development. Nature 1996; 383: 73-75.
- 20 Toomey JR, Kratzer KE, Lasky NM, Stanton JJ, Broze GJ. Targeted disruption of the murine tissue factor gene results in embryonic lethality. Blood 1996; 88: 1583-1587.
- 21 Harlos K, Martin DMA, O’Brien DP, Jones EY, Stuart DI, Polikarpov I, Miller A, Tuddenham EDG, Boys CWG. Crystal structure of the extracellular region of human tissue factor. Nature 1994; 370: 662-666.
- 22 Muller YA, Ultsch MH, Kelley RF, de Vos AM. Structure of the extracellular domain of human tissue factor: location of the factor VIIa binding site. Biochemistry. 1994; 33: 10864-10870.
- 23 Muller YA, Ultsch MH, de Vos AM. The crystal-structure of the extracellular domain of human tissue factor refined to 1.7 Å resolution. J Mol Biol. 1996; 256: 144-159.
- 24 Banner DW, Darcy A, Chene C, Winkler FK, Guha A, Konigsberg WH, Nemerson Y, Kirchhofer D. The crystal-structure of the complex of blood-coagulation factor VIIa with soluble tissue factor. Nature 1996; 380: 41-46.
- 25 Røtnes JS, Røttingen J-A. Quantitative analysis of cytosolic free calcium oscillations in neutrophils by mathematical modelling. Cell Calcium. 1994; 15: 467-482.
- 26 Røttingen J-A, Camerer E, Mathiesen I, Prydz H, Iversen J-G. Synchronized Ca2+ oscillations induced in Madin Darby canine kidney cells by bradykinin and thrombin but not by ATP. Cell Calcium. 1997; 21 (03) 195-211.
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