Methods Inf Med 2000; 39(04/05): 311-318
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1634398
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH

Validation of ICTERUS, a Knowledge-based Expert System for Jaundice Diagnosis

G. Molino
1   Laboratory of Clinical Informatics, San Giovanni Battista Hospital of Turin, Turin, Italy
M. Marzuoli
1   Laboratory of Clinical Informatics, San Giovanni Battista Hospital of Turin, Turin, Italy
F. Molino
1   Laboratory of Clinical Informatics, San Giovanni Battista Hospital of Turin, Turin, Italy
S. Battista
1   Laboratory of Clinical Informatics, San Giovanni Battista Hospital of Turin, Turin, Italy
F. Bar
1   Laboratory of Clinical Informatics, San Giovanni Battista Hospital of Turin, Turin, Italy
M. Torchio
1   Laboratory of Clinical Informatics, San Giovanni Battista Hospital of Turin, Turin, Italy
S. M. Lavelle
2   Department of Experimental Medicine, Galway University, Ireland
G. Corless
2   Department of Experimental Medicine, Galway University, Ireland
N. Cappello
3   Department of Genetics, Biology and Biochemistry, University of Turin, Turin, Italy
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08. Februar 2018 (online)


The study aimed to describe an example of the assessment and validation of knowledge-based clinical expert systems. The paper focuses on ICTERUS, an expert system for jaundice diagnosis. It describes system design, the methodology applied for upgrading and validating the program, and the most important outcomes of the validation procedure. The clinical validation of the system on a very large European database (Euricterus Project) shows that diagnostic conclusions are reliable in about 70% of eligible cases. This figure appears acceptable for a system which provides decision support only on the basis of clinical data, assuming that the final decision is achieved under user responsibility. Expected biases, limitations and inconsistencies in the practical application of the system are discussed.


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