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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1634607
A Graphical Query Generator for Clinical Research Databases

Clinical research involves recording, storage and retrieval of disease-related patient data, typically using a database system. In order to facilitate ad hoc queries to clinical databases we have developed a query generator with a graphical interface. The query generator uses an object-oriented data model which is visualized by directed graphs. The main focus of our work was the definition of object-oriented user views to the partly complex data structures of a relational database. Furthermore, we tried to define graphical abstractions for all common types of queries. Thus, even for non-expert database users such as clinicians, it is easy to assemble highly complex queries for a thorough examination of the content of large research databases.
Graphical Query Languages - Object-Oriented Data Models - Database Management Systems - Clinical Research - Medical Information SystemsPublication History
Article published online:
16 February 2018
Schattauer GmbH
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