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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1634677
Database and Knowledge Base Integration – A Data Mapping Method for Arden Syntax Knowledge Modules
20. Februar 2018 (online)

One of the most important categories of decision-support systems in medicine are data driven systems where the inference engine is linked to a database. It is, therefore, important to find methods that facilitate the implementation of database queries referred to in the knowledge modules. A method is described for linking clinical databases to a knowledge base with Arden Syntax modules. The method is based on a query meta-database including templates for SQL queries which is maintained by a database administrator. During knowledge module authoring the medical expert refers only to a code in the query meta-database; no knowledge is needed about the database model or the naming of attributes and relations. The method uses standard tools, such as C++ and ODBC, which makes it possible to implement the method at many platforms and to link to different clinical databases in a standardized way.
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