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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1634692
Computer-based Training and Electronic Publishing in the Health Sector: Tools and Trends
20. Februar 2018 (online)

CBT (computer-based training) applications and hypermedia publications are two different approaches to the utilisation of computers in medical education.
Medical CBT software continues to playa minor role in spite of the increasing availability, whereas hypermedia have become very popular through the World Wide Web (WWW). Based on the HTML format they can be designed by non-programmers using inexpensive tools while the production of CBT applications requires programming expertise. HTML documents can be easily developed to be distributed by a web-server or to run as local applications.
In developed countries CBT and hypermedia have to compete with an abundance of printed or audio-visual media and a wealth of lectures, conferences, etc., whereas in developing countries these media are scarce and expensive. Here CBT programs, and hypermedia publications in particular, may be a cost-effective way to improve quality of education in the health sector.
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- 7 WHO. Education and Training of Nurses, Teachers and Managers, with Special Regard to Primary Health Care. Technical Report Series no 708. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 1984
- 8 Cuevas LE, MacFarlane SBJ, Moody JB. Computer-Assisted Learning for Epidemiology. In: Sosa-Iudicissa M, Levett J, Mandil S, Beales PF. eds. Health, Information Society and Developing Countries. IOS Press; Amsterdam: 1995: 195-8.
- 9 Cuevas LE, Moody JB, MacFarlane SBJ, Rada R, Ghaoni C. The use of Hypertext: Demonstration of the methods for investigating and epidemic of meningitis. Med Educ 1993; 27: 91-6.
- 10 van Oortmarssen GJ, de VIas SJ, Plaisier AP, Habbema JDF. Microsimulation for Decision Support in Tropical Disease Control: Teaching, Training and Transfer. In: Sosa-Iudicissa M, Levett J, Mandil S, Beales PF. eds. Health, Information Society and Developing Countries. IOS Press; Amsterdam: 1995: 209-22.
- 11 Zaiss A. Department of Medical Informatics, University of Freiburg; Personal communication..
- 12 Delrossi RA. Learn The Lingo. Byte 1996; 3: 85-90.
- 13 Schult TJ, Reimann P. Virtuelilehren leicht gemacht?. Lehrsoftware entwickeln mit ToolBook und Authorware c’t 1996; 1: 270-8.
- 14 Beyer D, Gerhards M, Reimann P, Seetzen R. Multimedia-Dirigenten. Autorensysteme und Programmiersprachen im Vergleich 1996; 3: 174-91.
- 15 Conklin J. Hypertext: an introduction and survey. Computer 1987; 17-41.
- 16 Halasz F, Schwarz M. The Dexter Reference Model. Communications of the ACM 1994; 37: 30-9.
- 17 A brief bibliography of hypertext.
- 18 Tochtermann K, Dittrich G. Towards a Family of Formal Models for Hypermedia. In: Kulen R, Rittberger M. eds. Hypertext – Information Retrieval – Multimedia. UVK; Konstanz: 1995: 77-91.
- 19 Sandia National Laboratories. 1996 HTML Reference Manual.
- 20 Netscape Company and Products.
- 21 Talent Communications, Inc. I-Viewoff-line HTML-browser.
- 22 Goldfarb CF. The SGML Handbook. New York: Oxford University Press; 1990
- 23 Overview HTML editors.
- 24 Sausage Software: The HotDog Web Editor.
- 25 SoftQuad: HoTMetaL Pro 2.0. Web Editor.
- 26 Internet Assistant for Microsoft Word.
- 27 Halfhill TR. Inside the Web PC. Byte 1996; 3: 44-56.
- 28 Singelton A. Wired on the Web. Byte 1996; 1: 77-80.
- 29 Tittel E, Gaither M. The Official Internet World 60 Minute Guide to Java. A “quick and easy” guide to Java. IDG Books. 1995
- 30 Netscape Navigator. Netscape JavaScript.
- 31 JASC Software. Paint Shop Pro Shareware Version.
- 32 Morgan A, Wallace S. Digital Cameras for Real Work. Byte 1995; 10: 129-32.
- 33 Bertuch M, Behr B. Kintopp digital 1995; 3: 204-13.
- 34 Angus JG, Thornton C. Do-It-Yourself CD-ROMs. PC World; 1996
- 35 Rada R. Developing Educational Hypermedia: Coordination and Reuse. Ablex Publishers Norwood; New Jersey: 1995
- 36 ForeFront Group Inc. Web Whacker.
- 37 Rada R. Washington State University; Personal communication..