Methods Inf Med 1990; 29(04): 346-353
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1634805
ECG Interpretation Systems
Schattauer GmbH

Methodology of the Modular ECG Analysis System MEANS

J. H. van Bemmel
1   Dept of Medical Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam
J. A. Kors
1   Dept of Medical Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam
G. van Herpen
2   Dept of Cardiology, Leiden University Hospital, The Netherlands
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06. Februar 2018 (online)


The methodology, used in the Modular ECG Analysis System (MEANS) is described. MEANS consists of modules for signal analysis and diagnostic classification. The basic structure of the modular interpretation system remained intact over a period of 20 years, while all modules underwent many changes as a function of experience and insight, and the continuously changing information technology. The article describes the advantages of a modular approach to decision-support systems, the most important ones being easier maintenance of the software package and separate optimization and testing of each module. The overall evaluation of MEANS was done in the CSE study. Evaluation results for modules and for the entire system are presented.

1 MEANS is commercially available through the biomedical industry (ESAOte-Biomedica).


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