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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1636040
Health Services Research and Methodologies in Planning for Medical Care Facilities. Some International Comparisons[*)]
Publication Date:
10 February 2018 (online)
This paper is devoted to the analysis of a variety of research issues and methods encountered in planning for stationary health facilities in the context of different national settings. This background information is presented to assist in selecting appropriate methods in dealing with planning problems and research programs.
While Part I concentrates on conceptual issues of research in planning, the main theme of Part II is of an empirical nature focusing on the description of a specific statewide and regional planning task, utilizing inquiry media suitable for electronic data processing (EDP) and presented here mainly for purposes of illustration.
Die Arbeit behandelt die Analyse verschiedener Forschungsaufgaben und Methoden für Planungen der stationären Krankenversorgung unter Zugrundelegung internationaler Vergleiche, wobei letztere zur Unterstützung bei der Auswahl geeigneter Methoden für die Planungsprobleme und Forschungsprogramme dienen.
Während Teil I der Darstellung sich mit begrifflichen Fragen der Planung und Forschungsmethodik beschäftigt, beschreibt Teil II eine regionale Planungsstudie, bei der für eine elektronische Datenverarbeitung geeignete Informationsträger, benutzt wurden.
Hospital Planning - Health Services Research - EDP in Hospital Planning - Planning MethodsSchlüssel-Wörter
Krankenhausplanung - Erforschung der Krankenversorgung - EDV in der Krankenhausplanung - Planungsmethoden*) J Based upon a paper presented before an 18-member Public Health Study Group from the Netherlands and Indonesia at the Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, August 18, 1970.
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- 25 Schicke R. K. Profile of Long-Term Facilities and their Patients in New Jersey (mimeo). (Princeton/N. J. 1966).
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- 30 U.S. Dept. HEW: Areawide Planning for Hospitals and Related Health Facilities. Report of the Joint Committee of the American Hospital Association and the Public Health Service. PHS Publ. No. 855. Washington: 1961
- 31 U.S. Dept. HEW. Areawide Planning Manual for Hospitals and Related Health Facilities. Washington: 1962
- 32 U.S. Dept. HEW. Principles for Planning the Future Hospital System. A Report on proceedings of four regional conferences. PHS Publ. No. 721. Washington: 1959
- 33 U.S. Dept. HEW. Procedures for Areawide Health Facility Planning. A Guide for Planning Agencies. PHS Publ. No. 930-B-3. Washington: 1963
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