Yearb Med Inform 2007; 16(01): 70-71
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1638528
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart

Sensors, Medical Image and Signal Processing

Findings from the Section on Sensor, Signal and Imaging Informatics
R. Westphal
1   Technical University of Braunschweig, Institute for Robotics and Process Control, Braunschweig, Germany
Managing Editor for the IMIA Yearbook Section on Sensor, Signal and Imaging Informatics › Institutsangaben
I greatly acknowledge the support of Martina Hutter and of the reviewers in the selection process of the IMIA Yearbook and Prof. Haux and Kulikowski for giving me the opportunity to participate in selecting articles for this yearbook.
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05. März 2018 (online)

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To summarize current excellent research in the field of sensor, signal and imaging informatics.


Synopsis of the articles selected for the IMIA Yearbook 2007.


The selection process for this yearbook section “Sensor, signal and imaging informatics” results in five excellent articles, representing research in four different nations. Papers from the fields of brain machine interfaces, sound surveillance in telemonitoring, soft tissue modeling, and body sensors have been selected.


The selection for this yearbook section can only reflect a small portion of the worldwide copious work in the field of sensors, signal and image processing with applications in medical informatics. However, the selected papers demonstrate, how advances in this field may positively affect future patient care.