Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Table of Contents Thromb Haemost 1995; 74(01): 329-337DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1642698 Symposium Antiphospholipid Antibodies Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart Protean Clinical Presentation of Antiphospholipid-Protein Antibodies (APA) Douglas A Triplett School of Medicine, Indiana University, Muncie, IN, USA › Author Affiliations Recommend Article Abstract PDF Download Buy Article PDF (609 kb) References References 1 Alarcon-Segovia D, Sanchez-Guerrero J. Primary antiphospholipid syndrome. J Rheumatol 1989; 16: 482-488 2 Triplett DA. Antiphospholipid-protein antibodies: laboratory detection and clinical relevance. Thromb Res. (in press) 3 Love PE, Santoro SA. Antiphospholipid antibodies; Anticardiolipin and the lupus anticoagulant in systematic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and in non- SLE disorders. Ann Int Med 1990; 112: 682-698 4 Wassermann A, Neisser A, Brack C. Eine serodiagnostische reaktion bei syphilis. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 1906; 32: 745-746 5 Pangbom MC. 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