Thromb Haemost 1991; 66(06): 715-724
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1646490
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Improved Adhesion and Proliferation of Human Endothelial Cells on Polyethylene Precoated with Monoclonal Antibodies Directed against Cell Membrane Antigens and Extracellular Matrix Proteins

Albert Dekker
The University of Twente, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Enschede, The Netherlands
André A Poot
The University of Twente, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Enschede, The Netherlands
Jan A van Mourik
#   The Central Laboratory of the Netherlands Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Martin P A Workel
The University of Twente, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Enschede, The Netherlands
Tom Beugeling
The University of Twente, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Enschede, The Netherlands
Adriaan Bantjes
The University of Twente, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Enschede, The Netherlands
Jan Feijen
The University of Twente, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Enschede, The Netherlands
Willem G van Aken
The University of Twente, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Enschede, The Netherlands
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Received 29. Januar 1991

Accepted 06. Juni 1991

26. Juli 2018 (online)


Endothelial cell seeding may improve the patency of synthetic vascular grafts provided that platelet reactivity of non-endothelialized sites is not increased. We have investigated if surface-adsorbed monoclonal antibodies directed against endothelial cell membrane proteins and against extracellular matrix proteins promote the adhesion and proliferation of cultured human endothelial cells, without causing platelet deposition at non-endothelialized sites. Adhesion of endothelial cells onto polyethylene coated with monoclonal antibodies directed against endothelial cell-specific membrane antigens, integrin receptors and glycoprotein CD31 was equal to or higher than adhesion onto fibronectin-coated polyethylene. Endothelial cells did not proliferate on these surface-adsorbed antibodies. However, pre-coating of polyethylene with mixtures of endothelial cell-specific monoclonal antibodies and monoclonal antibodies directed against fibronectin or von Willebrand factor, resulted in relatively high adhesion and optimal proliferation. Platelet reactivity of the polyethylene surface was found to significantly increase after adsorption of fibronectin, endothelial cell-specific monoclonal antibody or its Fc fragments. In contrast, adsorption of F(ab')2 fragments of endothelial cell-specific monoclonal antibody did not promote platelet deposition. Therefore, it is concluded that coating of vascular graft materials with mixtures of F(ab')2 fragments of monoclonal antibodies specifically directed against endothelial cells and against extracellular matrix proteins may be an effective way to both promote the growth of seeded endothelial cells and limit platelet-graft interaction.

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