Thromb Haemost 1973; 29(02): 393-407
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1647780
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH

Studies on Thrombolysis with Streptokinase

IV. Immunofluorescent Investigations on the Fibrin Pattern and the Content of Plasminogen and of Plasma-Plasmin-Inhibitors in Clots and Thrombi of Various Age
R Gottlob
1   Department of Experimental Surgery (Head: Prof. Dr. R. Gottlob) of the Ist Surgical Clinic (Head: Prof. Dr. P. Fuchsig) Vienna University, Alserstraße 4, Vienna IX Austria, and the Ist Surgical Department of the Vienna Municipal Hospital, Lainz (Head: Doz. Dr. H. Denck)
B El Nashef
1   Department of Experimental Surgery (Head: Prof. Dr. R. Gottlob) of the Ist Surgical Clinic (Head: Prof. Dr. P. Fuchsig) Vienna University, Alserstraße 4, Vienna IX Austria, and the Ist Surgical Department of the Vienna Municipal Hospital, Lainz (Head: Doz. Dr. H. Denck)
P Donas
1   Department of Experimental Surgery (Head: Prof. Dr. R. Gottlob) of the Ist Surgical Clinic (Head: Prof. Dr. P. Fuchsig) Vienna University, Alserstraße 4, Vienna IX Austria, and the Ist Surgical Department of the Vienna Municipal Hospital, Lainz (Head: Doz. Dr. H. Denck)
F Piza
1   Department of Experimental Surgery (Head: Prof. Dr. R. Gottlob) of the Ist Surgical Clinic (Head: Prof. Dr. P. Fuchsig) Vienna University, Alserstraße 4, Vienna IX Austria, and the Ist Surgical Department of the Vienna Municipal Hospital, Lainz (Head: Doz. Dr. H. Denck)
R Kolb
1   Department of Experimental Surgery (Head: Prof. Dr. R. Gottlob) of the Ist Surgical Clinic (Head: Prof. Dr. P. Fuchsig) Vienna University, Alserstraße 4, Vienna IX Austria, and the Ist Surgical Department of the Vienna Municipal Hospital, Lainz (Head: Doz. Dr. H. Denck)
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Received 04. September 1972

24. Juli 2018 (online)


The patterns of fibrin and the contents of plasminogen, of α1 antitrypsin and of a2-macroglobulin were studied in whole blood clots before and after retraction and in arterial and venous thrombi of various age by an indirect immunofluorescent method.

By reaction with antifibrinogen a network of fibrin fibers was displayed in the first week. The fibers were condensed to form trabecula in the first months. After several months the reaction with antifibrinogen was reduced or abolished even in non organized thrombi.

In clots and thrombi the plasminogen content is lost during retraction, However, a considerable increase is observed in thrombi up to several months old.

The plasma plasmin inhibitors are only partially expressed during retraction. Later a considerable increase may occur.

The relevance of these findings for thrombolysis is discussed.

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