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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1647786
Neuraminidase Injections in Rabbits
Reduced Platelet Surface Charge, Aggregation and ThrombocytopeniaPublikationsverlauf
Received for publication
24. September 1972
30. Juni 2018 (online)

Two types of neuraminidase from CL perfringens were injected intravenously in rabbits. Blood platelet electrophoretic mobility was markedly reduced 4 hours after the injection of the enzyme. A marked thrombocytopenia developed gradually with a mean lower level of 55 and 27% of the preinjection number 48 hours after the injec- - tion. White blood cell count and factors V and VIII were reduced.
The results indicate that rabbit platelets with a reduced surface charge5 due to cleavage of sialic acid from the platelet membrane, are not immediately aggregated, trapped or destroyed in vivo. We suggest that the enzyme-induced platelet membrane changes rendered the platelets more susceptible to destruction in the reticuloendothelial system with appearance of thrombocytopenia after some hours.
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