Thromb Haemost 1996; 75(03): 466-470
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1650298
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH Stuttgart

Identification and Biosynthesis of Fibrinogen in Human Uterine Cervix Carcinoma Cells

Soo Young Lee
The Chemistry Section, Department of Natural Sciences, Catholic University Medical College and Catholic Cancer Center, Seoul, Korea
Key Pyoung Lee
The Chemistry Section, Department of Natural Sciences, Catholic University Medical College and Catholic Cancer Center, Seoul, Korea
Joo Weon Lim
The Chemistry Section, Department of Natural Sciences, Catholic University Medical College and Catholic Cancer Center, Seoul, Korea
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Received 11. September 1995

Accepted after revision 06. Dezember 1995

31. August 2018 (online)


Fibrinogen has been detected in ME-180 human uterine cervix carcinoma cells, and synthesis of fibrinogen by ME-180 cells has been measured using [35S] L-methionine incorporation. Expression of mRNA for the B|3-chain of the fibrinogen in ME-180 cells has been identified by PCR-assisted mRNA amplification. The AΑ-, BΒ-, and Γ-chains of fibrinogen synthesized by ME-180 cells were chemically and immunologically identical to those of plasma fibrinogen. These findings suggest that fibrinogen is present and synthesized in ME-180 human uterine cervix carcinoma cells, and that fibrinogen plays a role in these malignant tumor cells.

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