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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1651412
The Filtragometer: A New Device for Measuring Platelet Aggregation in Venous Blood of Man
Publication History
04 July 1974
02 May 1975
Publication Date:
02 July 2018 (online)
A new device for the direct assessment of spontaneous platelet aggregation in human venous blood is described: the Filtragometer. The principle of the method is based on measurement of the pressure difference across a filter with pores of 20 μπι diameter through which blood from a forearm vein is drawn. Platelet aggregates, obstructing the filter, cause a change in the pressure difference which is proportional to the degree of platelet aggregation. The measurement takes only a short time and a small amount (5-10 ml) of blood.
Platelet aggregation as measured with the Filtragometer depends on the type of anticoagulant used. The Filtragometer response decreases on inhibition of platelet stickiness in vitro by prostaglandin E1 and in vivo by aspirin ingestion. Moreover it appeared to be higher in a group with a high thrombosis tendency than in a group less susceptible to fatal arterial thrombosis.
The Filtragometer seems especially useful in monitoring the results of diet and/or drug therapy.
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