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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1653539
Enhancement of Fibrinolysis by Venous Occlusion Results of Long-Term Thrombelastography and Activator Determination
The technical assistance of Miss Annemarie Hiesmayr and Miss Edeltraud Obrist is gratefully acknowledged.Publikationsverlauf
10. Juni 2018 (online)

Global fibrinolysis and activator activity were investigated in venous blood before and after occlusion. Global fibrinolysis was determinated by thrombelastography with a low speed of the paper drive (longterm thrombelastography). The fibrinolysis on the thrombelastographic curves were evaluated by the slant (a°) of the inflectional tangent at the thrombelastographic branch.
A considerable increase of global fibrinolytic activity and also of the activator activity after venous congestion was found. There was a slight correlation between the global fibrinolysis and the activator before occlusion and a strong correlation after congestion. There was, however, no accordance between the regression lines of the two correlations. Other factors of activation of fibrinolysis may be involved.
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