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DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1702018
Trends in Clinical Information Systems Research in 2019
An Overview of the Clinical Information Systems Section of the International Medical Informatics Association YearbookPublication History
Publication Date:
21 August 2020 (online)

Objective: To give an overview of recent research and to propose a selection of best papers published in 2019 in the field of Clinical Information Systems (CIS).
Method: Each year, we apply a systematic process to retrieve articles for the CIS section of the IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics. For six years now, we use the same query to find relevant publications in the CIS field. Each year we retrieve more than 2,000 papers. As CIS section editors, we categorize the retrieved articles in a multi-pass review to distill a pre-selection of 15 candidate best papers. Then, Yearbook editors and external reviewers assess the selected candidate best papers. Based on the review results, the IMIA Yearbook Editorial Committee chooses the best papers during the selection meeting. We used text mining, and term co-occurrence mapping techniques to get an overview of the content of the retrieved articles.
Results: We carried out the query in mid-January 2020 and retrieved a de-duplicated result set of 2,407 articles from 1,023 different journals. This year, we nominated 14 papers as candidate best papers, and three of them were finally selected as best papers in the CIS section. As in previous years, the content analysis of the articles revealed the broad spectrum of topics covered by CIS research.
Conclusions: We could observe ongoing trends, as seen in the last years. Patient benefit research is in the focus of many research activities, and trans-institutional aggregation of data remains a relevant field of work. Powerful machine-learning-based approaches, that use readily available data now often outperform human-based procedures. However, the ethical perspective of this development often comes too short in the considerations. We thus assume that ethical aspects will and should deliver much food for thought for future CIS research.
Medical informatics - International Medical Informatics Association - Yearbook - Clinical Information Systems* Equal Contribution
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