CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2007; 28(01): 7-13
DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1733197
Original Article

Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Advanced Epithelial Ovarian Cancer : A Retrospective Study

Shekhar Sharma
Department of Surgical Oncology, AIMS, Edapally, Ernakulam - 682026, India
D K Vijaykumar
Department of Surgical Oncology, AIMS, Edapally, Ernakulam - 682026, India
K Chitrathara
Department of Surgical Oncology, AIMS, Edapally, Ernakulam - 682026, India
Altaf GAUHAR Haji
Department of Surgical Oncology, AIMS, Edapally, Ernakulam - 682026, India
Robin C George
Department of Surgical Oncology, AIMS, Edapally, Ernakulam - 682026, India
K Pavithran
Department of Medical Oncology, AIMS, Edapally, Ernakulam - 682026, India
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Article published online:
23 March 2022

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