Ultraschall Med 2017; 38(01): 91-92
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-101496
EFSUMB Newsletter
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Ultrasound is unique

by EFSUMB President Odd Helge Gilja
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01. März 2017 (online)

Dear EFSUMB member,Ultrasound is unique!

Its uniqueness is reflected in its enormous capacity to do great things for the patients. Not only can ultrasound in the right hands diagnose a vast variety of diseases, but it can also be used for therapy. Not only can ultrasound provide very high temporal and spatial resolution on high–end scanners in hospital departments, but mobile ultrasound can also be applied in the battle field or in the helicopter for point-of-care medicine and telemedicine. Ultrasound is indeed unique. Moreover, its uniqueness outperforms other radiology methods in its versatility and huge span of applications.

Therefore, EFSUMB has an important mission to disseminate information and competence, thus, building a European Ultrasound Community. EFSUMB now has more than 20 000 members and is the biggest ultrasound federation in the world of ultrasound in medicine and biology. In the following, I will point at some good opportunities for you to further build competence in ultrasound.