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DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-105775
Psychoedukationsmodul Rückkehr an den Arbeitsplatz – Eine Interventionsstudie
Return to Work: A Psychoeducational Module – An Intervention StudyPublikationsverlauf
23. Mai 2017 (online)
Ziel der Studie Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Studie stand die Frage, inwieweit Patienten von einem Psychoedukationsmodul zum Thema Rückkehr an den Arbeitsplatz profitieren können.
Methoden Durch eine randomisiert-kontrollierte Studie (n = 82) wurden die Effekte auf die Einstellungen zum Arbeitsplatz, Wissen zu rechtlichen Aspekten bei der Rückkehr und Dauer bis zur Rückkehr evaluiert.
Ergebnisse Die Psychoedukationsgruppe erhöhte die Sicherheit bei der Rückkehr, allerdings nicht die Dauer bis zum Wiedereinstieg.
Schlussfolgerung Das Psychoedukationsmodul wurde sehr gut angenommen und stellt offenbar eine gute Ergänzung zur sozialpädagogischen Einzelberatung dar.
Objective This study evaluated a psychoeducational intervention that aimed to facilitate return to work.
Methods The randomized-controlled study trial was established at three psychiatric hospitals. The status of permanent employment in an age group of 18 to 60 served as main inclusion criterion. The intervention consisted of 5 sessions and covered topics such as disclosure of the diagnosis to colleagues and supervisors or legal frameworks in the return-to-work process. Participants of the control group received treatment as usual.
Results The informative value of the comparisons was decreased by strong differences between the groups at baseline due to an allocation bias. However, participants of the intervention group felt more secure and prepared regarding their return to the workplace. In addition, participants developed a higher level of understanding regarding their rights within the legal frameworks when returning to work. More participants of the control group returned to work within 3 months. The decisive factor for a successful return to work was the intention of the participants to return at baseline.
Conclusion The psychoeducational program was well accepted among participants and appeared to be a useful addition to individual counseling by social workers. However,the program did not increase the likelihood to return to work within three months.
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