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DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1786009
Pediatric Facial Burn Reconstruction

Contrary to prior pediatric burn treatment philosophies, we now know that early burn excision and grafting for non life-threatening burns can compromise future reconstruction. Extensive scar excision should be minimized and scar rehabilitation maximized, as secondary iatrogenic deformities can become even more difficult to fix. Scar remodeling with local tissue rearrangement can relieve tension and soften scars over time. The majority of facial burns often only involve skin and can be adequately treated without the need for complex flap reconstruction. Facial burn scars are a different problem than facial burn scar contracture. The former needs scar rehabilitation, whereas the latter needs the addition of skin. Laser therapy has transformed the treatment of burn scars and is an incredibly valuable adjunct to local tissue rearrangement and grafting. The most favorable functional, aesthetic, and psychological outcomes require a long-term multidisciplinary effort and customized protocol utilizing the vast armamentarium of reconstructive tools described below.
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26. April 2024
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