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DOI: 10.1055/s-1999-2586
Fourier Transform-Ion Cyclotron Resonance-Mass Spectrometer as a New Tool for Organic Chemists
31. Dezember 1999 (online)
Currently, mass spectral determination of molecular weights and elemental compositions of synthetic products is a common practice. It is aided by truly impressive developments in methods and instrumentation enabling to characterize great variety of compounds including even those of a relatively high molecular weight. Confidence in such measurements, however, depends upon selecting a suitable ionization method, unambiguous identification of a molecular-type ion, and the adequate precision of mass determinations. This review addresses major aspects of the ion formation and analysis with special attention given to the ion-cyclotron resonance. This powerful technique, different in its principle from most other methods of ion analysis, offers a superb combination of ion manipulation and measurement parameters and full compatibility with an array of ionization methods.
mass spectrometry - ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry - ion-cyclotron-resonance - soft ionization - stable isotopes - molecular weight determination