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DOI: 10.1055/s-2000-16633
Clonal Diversity in Differently-Aged Populations of the Pseudo-Annual Clonal Plant Circaea lutetiana L.
Publication History
January 5, 2000
August 16, 2000
Publication Date:
27 August 2001 (online)

In many clonal plant species seedling recruitment is restricted to short colonization episodes early in the development of the population, and clonal diversity (i.e., genet diversity) in the population is expected to decrease with increasing population age. In established populations of the pseudo-annual Circaea lutetiana seedling recruitment has previously not been observed. Therefore, we expected established populations to have low clonal diversities. We analysed number and frequency of genets and spatial distribution of genets in six differently-aged C. lutetiana populations with the use of four informative RAPD primers. We found relatively low clonal diversities in young populations but very high clonal diversities in established populations. Therefore, the hypothesis was rejected that seedling recruitment does not occur in established populations. Moreover, we did not find large genet size asymmetries in established populations. Genet size differences can be caused by stochastic processes or by fitness related traits, such as differences in vegetative reproduction. Because vegetative propagation of ramets is dependent on ramet size, and the number of ramets and the size of each ramet determine genet size, we expected that large genets produced, on average, large ramets. However, this was not the case, suggesting that stochastic processes caused genet size differences. Genet size may also be bounded if spatial distribution of genets is affected by micro-habitat differences. For this we expected to find a clumped spatial distribution of ramets of the same genet. However, ramets of large genets were always found intermingled with ramets belonging to other genets.
ISR: Initial Seedling Recruitment
RSR: Repeated Seedling Recruitment
RAPD: Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA
Key words
Clonal plants - population structure - RAPD - recruitment strategy - genetic variation
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R. Verburg
Research group Plant Ecology
Utrecht University
P.O. Box 800.84
2508 TB Utrecht
The Netherlands
Section Editor: R. Aerts