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DOI: 10.1055/s-2002-20442
Chloroplast DNA Variation and Biogeography in the Genus Rorippa Scop. (Brassicaceae)
Publication History
May 16, 2001
November 8, 2001
Publication Date:
28 February 2002 (online)

Phylogenetic relationships and biogeography of 25 Rorippa species were studied using sequences of two non-coding regions of chloroplast DNA (trnL intron, trnL/F spacer). Our results indicate a close relationship between European (R. islandica ssp. islandica, R. pyrenaica) and North American (R. curvipes, R. sinuata) mountain species. The polyploid European lowland species R. amphibia, R. palustris and R. sylvestris are much younger than the mountain species and have their closest relatives in western Asia and Siberia. Different colonization routes of the southern hemisphere are discussed for Rorippa. Australasia was colonized at least twice, most likely via the Malayan route. A molecular clock approach dates the first colonization to the end of Pliocene or early Pleistocene. R. gigantea reached Australia later in the Pleistocene. Our data provide evidence for an amphitropical disjunction between the South American (R. philippiana) and North American (R. curvisiliqua) species. Long-distance dispersal via migrating birds is the most likely explanation for this intercontinental disjunction. Two of the analysed African species (R. nudiuscula, R. madagascariensis) have their closest relative (R. austriaca) in eastern Europe and western Asia. The lack of sequence divergence among these species indicates a colonization event probably not earlier than 100 000 years ago.
Key words
Evolution - disjunction - long-distance dispersal - phylogeography - phylogeny
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W. Bleeker
Department of Systematic Botany
University of Osnabrück
Fachbereich Biologie/Chemie
Arbeitsgruppe Spezielle Botanik
Barbarastraße 11
49076 Osnabrück
Section Editor: G. Gottsberger