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DOI: 10.1055/s-2002-34672
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York
Injury of a Branch of the Arteria Profunda Femoris after a Pertrochanteric Femur Fracture
15. Oktober 2002 (online)

An 85-year-old patient suffered a pertrochanteric fracture of his left femur caused by a fall. He underwent osteosynthesis with a DYAX-nail on the day the accident took place. During his recovery an increasing dislocation of the lesser trochanter caused a violation of a branch of the arteria profunda femoris that required surgical intervention. The arterial lesion was treated by embolisation successfully. An arterial lesion due to a per- or subtrochanteric trauma that needs surgical intervention is extremely rare, iatrogenic arterial violations are described in up to 1 % during the transfemoral drilling procedure in order to fix common plate systems on the proximal femur. This case report establishes for the first time a bleeding complication caused by secondary dislocation of the lesser trochanter. In case of a per- to subtrochanteric fracture the biomechanical advantages of an intramedullary stabilisation add to the avoidance of transfemoral drilling in comparison to an extramedullary plate system fixed on the femoral shaft.
Key words
Pertrochanteric femur fracture - Complication - Bleeding
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Dr. J. Klanke
Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery
Nordstadt Krankenhaus
Klinikum Hannover
Haltenhoffstr. 41
30167 Hannover
Telefon: + 49/51 19 70 12 34