Two different synthetic reactions catalyzed by an iridium complex
are discussed. The first is allylic alkylation and allylic amination.
This reaction proceeds via a π-allyl iridium intermediate. The
selectivity strongly depends on the structure of the allylic esters.
Highly branched product-selective allylic substitution and highly Z-selective allylic substitution were
achieved. The selectivities of allylic substitution described here
have not been achieved in previous studies with other transition
metal complexes. The second reaction is [2+2+2] cycloaddition
of α,ω-diynes with monoynes. This reaction proceeds
via iridacyclopentadiene and tolerates various functional groups.
Functionalized monoynes can be used. These results show that an
iridium complex can be a useful catalyst for carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom
bond formation.
iridium complex - catalysis - π-allyl
iridium - iridacyclopentadiene - allylic esters - alkynes