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DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-44739
Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttart, New York · Masson Editeur Paris
Newsletter UEMS
26. Januar 2004 (online)

The Fifth Examination for Registration with the European Board of Paediatric Surgery was held on November 21st and 22nd, 2003, in the Hospital Robert Debre, Paris.
The Examination host was Prof. Yves Aigrain, supported by his team Prof. Alaa El Ghoneimi and Pascal de Lagausie. Completing the examination team were Ray Fitzgerald (Ireland), Ole Nielsen (Denmark), Alexander M. Holschneider (Germany), Georges Audry (France), Hugo Heij (The Netherlands), and the Exam Co-ordinator Robert Carachi (Scotland). In attendance were Rosemary Mackenzie (Examination/Certification Secretary) and her assistant Sharon Hosie.
There were 12 candidates on this occasion - the maximum number to be examined at one time, and the most the Board have examined during the five years the exam has been in existence. The standards were extremely high, and congratulations to the eleven candidates who were successful.
Successful candidates were:
Name From Working in
Dr. Martin Tousek Czech Rep. Scotland
Dr. Philip Isaac India England
Dr. Juan Carlos Valladares Spain Spain
Dr. Efstathia Koulouris Belgium France
Dr. Abdul Rauf Khan Pakistan England
Dr. Abdurrahman Onen Turkey Turkey
Dr. Iftikhar Jan Pakistan Pakistan
Dr. Shamshad Syed Pakistan England
Dr. Frederic Auber France France
Dr. Hubert Lardy France France
Dr. Guillaume Podevin France France
The next Examination for Registration with the European Board of Paediatric Surgery will take place on March 26th and 27th, 2004, in the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Yorkhill, Glasgow, Scotland. The closing date for application is February 15th, 2004, but early application is advised as places are limited, prior to the introduction of a new two part examination system in 2004/2005.
Please visit the website or contact Rosemary Mackenzie, the EBPS Certification Secretary, at
Further Information:
Mrs. Kay Byrne Administrator/Secretary Division of Developmental Medicine University Section of Surgical Paediatrics Royal Hospital for Sick Children Yorkhill, Glasgow G3 8SJ Tel.: + 44/141 201 0170, Fax: + 44/141 201 0858
Robert Carachi, Glasgow
Alexander M. Holschneider, Cologne
Prof. Dr. med. A. M. Holschneider
Direktor der Kinderchirurgischen Klinik des Kinderkrankenhauses der Stadt Köln
Amsterdamer Straße 59
50735 Köln