ZFA (Stuttgart) 2005; 81(4): 137-139
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-836324

© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Uringlukose-Selbstmonitoring - eine ausreichende Methode der Glukosekontrolle? Eine Literaturübersicht

Urine-Dipstick Self-Monitoring - A Valid Method for Diabetic Control? A Systematic ReviewG. Wagner1
  • 1Abteilung für Allgemeinmedizin, Universität Düsseldorf
Weitere Informationen


14. April 2005 (online)


Urin-Selbstmonitoring wird auch heute noch verbreitet eingesetzt. Fraglich ist jedoch, ob sich damit eine reliable und valide Glukosekontrolle mit der Möglichkeit einer darüber verbesserten Diabeteseinstellung erreichen lässt. Dazu wurde eine systematische Literaturübersicht erstellt.


Urine selfmonitoring is today always a widely used method. It is questionable, whether this method is a method to reach sufficient glucose control. Therefore a systematic literature review was done.


  • 1 Allen B T, Delong E R, Feusser J R. Impact of glucose selfmonitoring on non insulin treated patients with Typ II Diabetes Mellitus. Randomized controlled trial comparing blood and urine testing.  Diabetes Care. 1990;  13 1044-1050
  • 2 Coster S, Gulliford M C, Seed P T. Self-monitoring in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis.  Diabetic Medicine. 2000;  17 755-761
  • 3 Feleke Y, Abdulhair J. Urine glukose testing: another look at its relevance when blood glucose monitoring is unaffordable.  Ethiopian Medicine Journal. 1998;  36 93-99
  • 4 Fontbonne A, Billaut B, Acosta M. Is glucose self-monitoring beneficial in non-insulin-trated diabetic patients? Results of a randomized comparative trial.  Diabete Metabolisme. 1989;  15 255-260
  • 5 Gallichan M. Self monitoring by people with diabetes: evidence base practice.  BMJ. 1997;  314 964-966
  • 6 Goldstein D E, Little R R, Lorenz R A. Tests of Glycemia in Diabetes.  Diabetes Care. 1995;  18 896-909
  • 7 Gulliford M, Latinovic R. Variations in glucose self-monitoring during oral hypoglycaemic therapy in primary care.  Diabetic Medicine. 2004;  21 685-690
  • 8 Holman R R, Turner R C. Optimizing blood glucose control in Typ 2 diabetes: an approach based on fasting blood glucose.  Diabetic Medicine. 1888;  5 582-588
  • 9 Lerman-Garber J, Lopez-Ponce A, Flores R AM. Comparing easy and accessible parameters of glycemic control in type 2 diabetes.  La Revista des Investigation. 2001;  53 518-525
  • 10 Miles P, Everett J, Murphy J. Comparison of blood or urine testing by patients with newly diagnoes non-insulin dependent diabetes. Patient survey after randomized crossover trial.  BMJ. 1997;  315 348-349
  • 11 Peacock I, Tattersall R. Methods of Self Monitoring of diabetic Control.  Clinics in Endocrinology and Metabolism. 1982;  11 485-501
  • 12 Ponte C D. Monitoring diabetes mellitus: the pharmacists role.  American Pharmacy. 1992;  64 61-65
  • 13 Rotchford A P, Rotchford K M, Mattachie T. Assessing diabetic control in resource poor settings.  Diabetic Medicine. 2002;  19 195-200
  • 14 Singer D E, Coley C, Jeffrey H. Tests of Glycemia in Diabetes Mellitus.  Annals of Internal Medicine. 1989;  110 125-137
  • 15 Starostina E G, Antsiferov M, Galstyan G R. Effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis of intensive tratment and teaching programmes for Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus in Moscow - Blood glucose versus urine glucose self-monitoring.  Diabetologica. 1994;  37 170-176

Dr. med. Gabriela Wagner, Fachärztin für Psychiatrie 

Universität Düsseldorf · Abteilung für Allgemeinmedizin

Moorenstraße 5

40225 Düsseldorf