Ultraschall Med 2005; 26(3): 241-244
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-870638
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© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Guidelines for Ultrasound Guided Breast Biopsy

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16. Juni 2005 (online)



Focal mass or other lesion of unknown nature - palpable or non-palpable Architectural distortion Microcalcifications Cyst aspiration

References and suggestions for further reading

  • 1 American College of Radiology: Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS), ed 2. Reston, VA. American College of Radiology, 1995. 
  • 2 Logan-Young WW . Janus JA . Destounis SV . et al. . Appropriate role of core breast biopsy in the management of probably benign lesions.  Radiology. 1994;  190 313
  • 3 Sickles EA . Parker SH . Appropriate role of core breast biopsy in the management of probably benign lesions.  Radiology. 1993;  188 315
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  • 5 Tabár L . Dean PB . Teaching Atlas of Mammography.  Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 2001; 
  • 6 Liberman L . Clinical Management Issues in Percutaneous Core Breast Biopsy.  Radiol Clin North Am. 2000;  38 791-807
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  • 8 Youngson BJ . Cranor M . Rosen PP . Epithelial displacement in surgical breast biopsies following needling procedures.  Am J Surg Pathol. 1994;  18 896-903
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  • 15 Parker SH . Burbank F . Parker SH, Burbank F. A Practical Approach to Minimally Invasive Breast Biopsy.  Radiology. 1996;  200 11-20
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  • 18 Parker SH . Dennis MA . Stavros AT . Johnson KK . A New Breast Biopsy Technique.  Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. 1996;  12 113-118
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  • 20 Melotti MK . Berg WA . Core Needle Breast Biopsy in Patients Undergoing Anticoagulation Therapy: Preliminary Results.  Am J Roentgenol. 2000;  174 (1) 245-249
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  • 23 Dennis MA . Parker S . Kaske TI . Stavros AT . Camp J . Incidental Treatment of Nipple Discharge Caused by Benign Intraductal Papilloma Through Diagnostic Mammotome Biopsy.  Am J Roentgenol. 2000;  174 (5) 1263-1268
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  • 26 Lamm RL . Jackman RJ . Mammographic Abnormalities Caused by Percutaneous Stereotactic Biopsy of Histologically Benign Lesions Evident on Follow-Up Mammograms.  Am J Roentgenol. 2000;  174 (3) 753-756
  • 27 Diaz LK . Wiley EL . Venta LA . Are malignant cells displaced by large-gauge needle core biopsy of the breast?.  Am J Roentgenol. 1999;  173 1303-1313
  • 28 Liberman L . Vuolo M . Dershaw DD . Morris EA . Abramson AF . LaTrenta LR . et al. . Epithelial Displacement After Stereotactic 11-Gauge Directional Vacuum-Assisted Breast Biopsy.  Am J Roentgenol. 1999;  172 (3) 677-681
  • 29 Lai JT . Burrowes P . MacGregor JH . Vacuum-Assisted Large-Core Breast Biopsy: Complications and Their Incidence.  Can Assoc Radiol J. 2000;  51 (4) 232-236
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Dr. Robin Wilson

Nottingham, National Breast Training Centre,City Hospital

Hucknall Road, Nottingham NG5 1PB, UK

Prof. Rainer Otto

Kantonsspital Baden

CH-5404 Baden, Switzerland

Prof. Jochen Hackelöer

Barmbeck General and Teaching Hospital

Rübenkamp 148, Haus 27 C, D-22291 Hamburg, Germany