psychoneuro 2006; 32(1): 38-43
DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-932674

© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

19. Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS) in Denver, Colorado/USA (18.6.-23.6.2005) - Diagnostik und Behandlung der Narkolepsie - State of the Art

Diagnosis and treatment of narcolepsy - state of the artStephan Volk1
  • 1Schlafmedizinisches Zentrum der Main-Taunus-Kliniken GmbH, Hofheim am Taunus
Weitere Informationen


06. Februar 2006 (online)


Die Narkolepsie gehört zu den seltenen neurologischen Erkrankungen, bei der jedoch von einer hohen Anzahl nicht erkannter Fälle ausgegangen wird. Häufig erschwert die verschiedenartige Ausprägung der Symptome im Krankheitsverlauf die eindeutige Diagnose bzw. der Prozess der Diagnosestellung umfasst mehrere Jahre bei vielen Patienten. In der nahen Vergangenheit entwickelte sich der Diagnose- und Behandlungsbereich von Schlafkrankheiten enorm. Kontinuierlich werden neue Erkenntnisse bezüglich Narkolepsie und Kataplexien, dem Symptom mit der höchsten prädiktiven Wertigkeit für die Diagnosestellung, veröffentlicht. Der vorliegende Beitrag fasst die aktuellen Ansätze der Narkolepsiediagnostik und -therapie zusammen, die im Rahmen der Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS) in Denver, Colorado/USA als State of the Art vorgestellt wurden.


Narcolepsy is one of the rare neurological illnesses, with an estimated large number of undiagnosed cases. The fact that the severity of the symptoms varies during the course of the disease renders the establishment of the diagnosis more complicated, and may prolong it for years. However in recent years enormous progress in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep-related diseases, and new findings on narcolepsy and cataplexy - the symptom with the greatest predictive value for the diagnosis - are constantly being published. The following report summarises the current approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of narcolepsy that were presented as the state of the art at the 19th meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS) in Denver, Colorado/USA.


  • 1 Black J. Current experience and future considerations for management of narcolepsy. In: Oral communication in workshop. Practical pharmacotherapy for the treatment of narcolepsy and associated symptoms. 19th Annual Meeting of Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS), Denver 2005
  • 2 Chemelli RM, Willie JT, Sinton CM. Narcolepsy in orexin knock-out mice: molecular genetics of sleep regulation.  Cell. 1999;  98 437-451
  • 3 Chen W, Black JE, Mignot E. Idiopathic narcolepsy-cataplexy responsive to plasmapheresis.  Sleep. 2005;  28 A223
  • 4 Feldman N. Sodium-oxybate, alone and in combination with modafinil. Is safe and well-tolerated for the treatment of narcolepsy.  Sleep. 2005;  28 A24
  • 5 Ripley B, Overeem S, Fujiki N.  CSF hypocretin/orexin levels in narcolepsy and other neurological conditions.  Neurology. 2001;  57 2253-2258
  • 6 Houghton W, Cook H. Rebound cataplexy following cessation of antidepressant therapy in a population of narcoleptic patients.  Sleep. 2005;  28 A221
  • 7 Hublin C, Partinen M, Kaprio J, Koskenvuo M, Guilleminault C. Epidemiology of narcolepsy.  Sleep Med. 1994;  17 7-12
  • 8 Kaneko Y, Inoue Y, Fujiki N, Kondo H, Aizawa R, Jijima S. The anticataplectic effect of milnacipran, anew serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor, on human and canine narcolepsy.  Sleep. 2005;  28 A25
  • 9 Leitlinien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie - Narkolepsie.  URL: .
  • 10 Mamelak M. et al. . The treatment of narcolepsy-cataplexy with nocturnal gamma-hydroxybutyrate.  Can J Neurol Sci. 1979;  6 1-6
  • 11 Montplaisir JY, Whittom S, Rompre S, Dang-Vu T, Dauvilliers Y, Lavigne G. Prevalence and functional significance of periodic leg movements in narcolepsy.  Sleep, Abstract Supplement. 2005;  28 A222
  • 12 Overeem S, Mignot E, Van Dijk JG, Lammers GJ. Narolepsy: clinical features, new pathophysiologic insights, and future perspectives.  J Clin Neurophysiol. 2001;  18 78-105
  • 13 Scammell TE. Neurobiology, diagnosis and treatment of narcolepsy.  Ann of Neurol. 2003;  53 154-160
  • 14 Siegel JM. Narcolepsy: a key role for hypocretins (orexins).  Cell. 1999;  98 1-20
  • 15 Singh M, Drake C, Roehrs T, Koshorek G, Roth T. The prevalence of SOREMPs in the general population.  Sleep. 2005;  28 A221
  • 16 Teixeira. et al. . Functional status in patients with narcolepsy.  Sleep Med. 2004;  5 477-483
  • 17 The U.S. Xyrem Multicenter Study Group . A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter trial comparing effects of three doses of orally administered sodium oxybate with placebo for treatment of narcolepsy.  Sleep Med. 2002;  25 42-49
  • 18 The U.S. Xyrem Multicenter Study Group. . The abrupt cessation of therapeutically administered sodium oxybate (GHB) does not cause withdrawl symptoms.  J Clin Toxicol. 2003;  41 131-135
  • 19 The U.S. Xyrem Multicenter Study Group. . Sodium oxybate demonstrates long-term efficacy for the treatment of cataplexy in patients with narcolepsy.  Sleep Med. 2004;  5 119-123
  • 20 Thorpy MJ. Sodium oxybate for the treatment of narcolepsy.  Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2005;  6 329-335
  • 21 Weaver TE. Sodium oxybate therapy für narcolepsy improves quality of life.  Sleep. 2005;  28 A29


Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Volk

Schlafmedizinisches Zentrum der Main-Taunus-Kliniken GmbH

Kurhausstr. 33

65719 Hofheim am Taunus
