The effects of coumarin fractions obtained from angelica fruits (Archangelica officinalis Hoffm.) und parsnip fruits [Pastinaca sativa L. (Apiaceae)] on the growth of cancer cells HeLa-S 3 cultured in the dark were studied. It was concluded that coumarin fractions in the concentration above 5 µg/ml inhibited the growth of culture. The angelica coumarin fraction had a stronger effect on the growth cells than the parsnip coumarin fraction. Ten various coumarins, from which eight were isolated from fractions, showed the effect on the growth and colony forming ability of HeLa cells. The proliferation inhibition of HeLa cells by these coumarins is as follows: osthol > xanthotoxol > 4-methylaesculetin > isopimpinellin > bergapten > xanthotoxin > imperatorin > coumarin > umbelliferone > 4-hydroxycoumarin.