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Ultraschall Med 1981; 2(2): 97-98
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1010052
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1010052
Der seltene Fall: Kavernöses Lymphangiohämangiom des linken Oberbauchs
The Rare Case: Cavernous Lymphangiohaemangioma of the Left Upper QuadrantFurther Information
Publication History
Publication Date:
07 March 2008 (online)

An dem seltenen Fall eines Hamartoms des linken Oberbauchs wird gezeigt, daß sonographisch in der Regel die Lokalisierung eines raumfordernden intraabdominellen Prozesses und die Differenzierung in solide oder flüssig leicht, eine exakte Organzuordnung jedoch um so schwerer gelingt, je größer der Prozeß ist.
It is shown by means of a case report on a rarely occurring hamartoma of the left upper quadrant that whereas it is generally possible to accurately locate a space-occupying intra-abdominal growth and to easily differentiate between solid and liquid, it is increasingly difficult to determine to which organ it belongs, the larger the space-occupying growth.