Int J Sports Med 2008; 29(4): 336-342
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-965340

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Meal Frequency of Pre-Exercise Carbohydrate Feedings

C. Chryssanthopoulos1 , A. Petridou2 , M. Maridaki1 , V. Mougios2
  • 1Physical Education and Sports Science, University of Athens, Athens, Greece
  • 2Physical Education and Sport Science, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
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accepted after revision February 24, 2007

13. September 2007 (online)


This study compared the effect of single and multiple carbohydrate feedings before exercise on biochemical and physiological responses during exercise. Eight males performed 3 runs for 1 h at 70 % V·O2max after consuming a meal containing 2.5 g carbohydrate per kg body mass in a single dose 3 h before exercise (SF), the same meal in 5 equal doses at 3, 2.5, 2, 1.5, and 1 h before exercise (MF), or a liquid placebo 3 h before exercise (P). RER and carbohydrate oxidation rates were higher in SF and MF compared to P trials, but there was no difference between SF and MF trials. Pre-exercise insulin was 2.0- and 3.4- fold higher in SF and MF, respectively, compared to P, and 1.7-fold higher in MF compared to SF. Glycerol and NEFA were higher in P compared to SF and MF trials before and at the end of exercise. In conclusion, a carbohydrate meal containing 2.5 g · kg-1 ingested in doses over 3 h before running produced higher hyperinsulinemia pre-exercise than that produced when the meal was consumed in a single dose. Nevertheless, estimated carbohydrate utilization and adipose tissue lipolysis during exercise after multiple feedings seemed to be as high as after a single feeding.


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Dr. Costas Chryssanthopoulos

Physical Education and Sports Science
University of Athens

41 Ethnikis Antistasis Street, Dafni

172 37 Athens


Telefon: +30 21 07 27 60 43

Fax: +30 21 07 27 60 43
