Ultraschall Med 2007; 28(4): 428
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-985542
EFSUMB Newsletter

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

NFUD goes its own way

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09. August 2007 (online)


NFUD goes its own way

The Norwegian Ultrasound Society (NFUD) was founded 31 years ago, and it has been since then a part of Norwegian Medical Association (NMA). In the beginning the vast majority of members were licensed physicians, mostly gynaecologists, radiologists or intern medicines. However, the number of paramedics in our society has been increasing constantly, and today around half of the 230 members are not physicians but midwifes, engineers, etc.

Based on rules of the NMA, an associated society of NMA such as NFUD cannot, have members other than physicians. This has lead to a situation where these non-physician members have not been able to vote in general meetings nor be members of the Board.

After a long discussion in the Board over many years, we felt that the situation was ready for a historical change. We had several meetings with the Norwegian Medical Association with the aim of remaining a part of NMA due to some advantages for doctors i.e. membership registry, a member is informed automatically of the possibility of commenting on new documents, and possibility of covering the costs of medical congresses with NMA fund money.

However, the NMA did not want to change its rules, and denied those other than physicians membership of a society like NFUD. The NFUD tried to come to a compromise with NMA so that paramedics could be qualified members with some restrictions (only physicians have the right to vote on "medical problems", physicians should always have at least 50 % of Board members etc) but even this suggestion was blocked by the NMA.

The annual NFUD meeting took place this year in the lovely city of Bergen on the western coast of Norway. On Friday 27th of April, in the late afternoon of the second day of the meeting, members gathered for the general assembly. The main interest was focused on the relation between NFUD and NMA. Arguments for and against were widely discussed, and both opinions had its supporters. Finally it was time for election. In order to leave the NMA at least 2/3 of the qualified members had to vote for that. In closed election voted 90 % for leaving the associated membership in the NMA, 5 % did not vote for or against whereas 5 % wanted continue as before.

After the historical decision a new board was elected, and for the first time midwifes as well as engineers will be a part of the board.