Eur J Pediatr Surg 1993; 3: 8-9
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1066052
Original article

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Continent Urinary Diversion Using Mitrofanoff Principle in Children with Neurogenic Bladder

B.  Khair , A. F. Azmy , R.  Carachi , A.H. B. Fyfe , I. K. Drainer
  • Department of Paediatric Surgery, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, UK
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25. März 2008 (online)


Fifteen children with urinary incontinence underwent continent urinary diversion using Mitrofanoff principle between April 1990 and March 1993, at a mean age of 14 years.

Neurogenic bladder was the main underlying cause of incontinence and spina bifida accounted for the majority of cases (12 patients).

Reversed vascularised appendix was used as a cutaneous stoma for intermittent self-catheterisation

Fourteen out of the fifteen children treated, achieved urinary continence with 3-4 hourly catheterisation.