Eur J Pediatr Surg 2000; 10(4): 232-234
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1072365
Original article

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

An Alternative Way to Cover Ventral Penile Skin Defect in Mathieu Technique*

U.  Koltuksuz , M. H. Gürsoy , M.  Aydinç , M.  Mutuş , Selma  Çetin , A.  Karaman
  • Department of Pediatric Surgery, İnönü University, Turgut Özal Medical Center, Malatya, Turkey
* Presented as a poster at the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons XLV Annual International Congress, Bristol, England,21 - 24 July 1998
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
25 March 2008 (online)


Mathieu technique is used satisfactorily in distal penile hypospadias without chordee or with minimal chordee. After using this technique, a large defect may sometimes appear on the ventral surface of the penis. To cover the defect, a few techniques, including preputial island flap, Byar's flap and Ombrédanne-Nesbit's flap, are used. We describe a new flap to cover the defect more cosmetically. Twenty-four patients ranging in age from one year to 14 years (median age 6.5 years) were operated on. In the patients for whom the defect could not be covered primarily, a longitudinal incision was made along the midline through the penile shaft skin from penile radix up to the border of preputial skin. The relaxed penile skin, which was incised on the dorsal surface, could be approached and sutured easily on the ventral surface without stretching. The new defect that developed on the dorsal surface was closed with the prepuce matching the defect. Nine patients, two with chordee and seven without chordee, underwent this technique. The cosmetic and functional results were excellent in all patients and none of the patient's parents complained about the cosmetic aspect. Only one fistula complication, which healed spontaneously, developed on the 20th postoperative day. Considering these results, we may conclude that excellent cosmetic results can be accomplished by the use of this flap technique.


Die Autoren stellen eine alternative Technik, den ventralen Hautdefekt bei der Mathieu-Operation zu decken, vor. Bei 24 Patienten im Alter von 1-14 Jahren (Durchschnitt 6,5 Jahre) konnte der Defekt primär nicht gedeckt werden. Die einzelnen Schritte der zusätzlichen Inzision und Verschiebeschwenklappenplastik werden vorgestellt. Die kosmetischen und funktionellen Ergebnisse waren bei allen Patienten ausgezeichnet. Eine einzige Harnröhrenfistel, die sich am 20. postoperativen Tag entwickelte, heilte spontan aus.
