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DOI: 10.15265/IYS-2016-s008
Health-Enabling and Ambient Assistive Technologies: Past, Present, Future
Publication History
30 June 2016
Publication Date:
06 March 2018 (online)

Background: During the last decades, health-enabling and ambient assistive technologies became of considerable relevance for new informatics-based forms of diagnosis, prevention, and therapy. Objectives: To describe the state of the art of health-enabling and ambient assistive technologies in 1992 and today, and its evolution over the last 25 years as well as to project where the field is expected to be in the next 25 years. In the context of this review, we define health-enabling and ambient assistive technologies as ambiently used sensor-based information and communication technologies, aiming at contributing to a person’s health and health care as well as to her or his quality of life.
Methods: Systematic review of all original articles with research focus in all volumes of the IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics. Surveying authors independently on key projects and visions as well as on their lessons learned in the context of health-enabling and ambient assistive technologies and summarizing their answers. Surveying authors independently on their expectations for the future and summarizing their answers.
Results: IMIA Yearbook papers containing statements on health-enabling and ambient assistive technologies appear first in 2002. These papers form a minor part of published research articles in medical informatics. However, during recent years the number of articles published has increased significantly. Key projects were identified. There was a clear progress on the use of technologies. However proof of diagnostic relevance and therapeutic efficacy remains still limited. Reforming health care processes and focussing more on patient needs are required.
Conclusions: Health-enabling and ambient assistive technologies remain an important field for future health care and for interdisciplinary research. More and more publications assume that a person‘s home and their interaction therein, are becoming important components in health care provision, assessment, and management.
- 1 Email of Brigitte Seroussi (also on behalf of Marie-Christine Jaulent and Christoph U. Lehmann) from February 25, 2015, to the first author.
- 2 Demiris G. Smart homes and ambient assisted living in an aging society. New opportunities and challenges for biomedical informatics. Methods Inf Med 2008; 47: 56-7.
- 3 Koch S, Marschollek M, Wolf KH, Plischke M, Haux R. On health-enabling and ambient-assistive technologies. What has been achieved and where do we have to go? Methods Inf Med 2009; 48: 29-37.
- 4 Remagnino P, Foresti GL. Ambient intelligence: a new multidisciplinary paradigm. IEEE Trans Inf Technol Biomed 2005; 9: 1-6.
- 5 Bardram JE, Mihailidis A, Wan D. editors. Pervasive computing in healthcare. Boca Raton, Fl.: CRC Press; 2007
- 6 Saranummi N. IT applications for pervasive, personal, and personalized health. IEEE Trans Inf Technol Biomed 2008; 12: 1-4.
- 7 Bardram JE. Pervasive healthcare as a scientific discipline. Methods Inf Med 2008; 47: 178-85.
- 8 Martin S, Kelly G, Kernohan WG, McCreight B, Nugent C. Smart home technologies for health and social care support. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2008; 4: CD006412.
- 9 Bott OJ, Ammenwerth E, Brigl B, Knaup P, Lang E, Pilgram R. et al. The challenge of ubiquitous computing in health care: technology, concepts and solutions. Methods Inf Med 2005; 44: 473-9.
- 10 Arnrich B, Mayora O, Bardram J, Tröster G. Pervasive healthcare: paving the way for a pervasive, user-centered and preventive healthcare model. Methods Inf Med 2010; 49: 67-73.
- 11 Fardoun HM, Mashat AS, Lange B. New methodologies for patients rehabilitation. Methods Inf Med 2015; 54: 111-3.
- 12 Haux R, Howe J, Marschollek M, Plischke M, Wolf KH. Health-enabling technologies for pervasive health care: on services and ICT architecture paradigms. Inform Health Soc Care 2008; 33: 77-89.
- 13 Mayora O, Lukowicz P, Marschollek M. Evolving pervasive health research into clinical practice. Methods Inf Med 2014; 53: 380-1.
- 14 Oberg PA, Togawa T, Spelman FA. Sensors in medicine and health care. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH; 2004
- 15 Khusainov R, Azzi D, Achumba IE, Bersch SD. Real-time human ambulation, activity, and physiological monitoring: Taxonomy of issues, techniques, applications, challenges and limitations. Sensors 2013; 13: 12852-902.
- 16 Marschollek M, Rehwald A, Wolf KH, Gietzelt M, Nemitz G. 6. Autor et al. Sensors vs. experts - a performance comparison of sensor-based fall risk assessment vs. conventional assessment in a sample of geriatric patients. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2011; 11: 48.
- 17 Schwickert L, Becker C, Lindemann U, Maréchal C, Bourke A, Chiari L. et al. FARSEEING Consortium and the FARSEEING Meta Database Consensus Group.. Fall detection with body-worn sensors: a systematic review. Z Gerontol Geriatr 2013; 46: 706-19.
- 18 Chan M, Estève D, Escriba C, Campo E. A review of smart homes - present state and future challenges. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 2008; 91: 55-81.
- 19 Ludwig W, Wolf KH, Duwenkamp C, Gusew N, Hellrung N, Marschollek M. et al. Health-enabling technologies for the elderly - an overview of services based on a literature review. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 2012; 106: 70-8.
- 20 Winter A, Haux R, Ammenwerth E, Brigl B, Hell-rung N, Jahn F. Health information systems - architectures and strategies. London: Springer; 2011
- 22 Ludwig W, Wolf KH, Duwenkamp C, Gusew N, Hellrung N, Marschollek M. et al. Health information systems for home telehealth services - a nomenclature for sensor-enhanced transinstitutional information system architectures. Inform Health Soc Care 2010; 35: 211-25.
- 21 Marschollek M. Recent progress in sensor-enhanced health information systems - slowly but sustainably. Inform Health Soc Care 2009; 34: 225-30.
- 23 Knaup P, Schöpe L. Using data from ambient assisted living and smart homes in electronic health records. Methods Inf Med 2014; 53: 149-51.
- 24 Haux R. Medical Informatics: past, present, future. Int J Med Inform 2010; 49: 599-610.
- 25 World Health Organization.. eHealth series. Last access: November 28 2015
- 26 Black AD, Car J, Pagliari C, Anandan C, Cresswell K. author et al. The Impact of eHealth on the Quality and Safety of Health Care: A Systematic Overview. PLoS Med 2011; 8: e1000387.
- 27 Al-Shorbaji N. The World Health Assembly resolutions on eHealth: eHealth in support of universal health coverage. Methods Inf Med 2013; 52: 463-6.
- 28 Li Y, Owen T, Thimbleby H, Sun N, Rau PL. A design to empower patients in long term well-being monitoring and chronic disease management in mHealth. Stud Health Technol Inform 2013; 194: 82-7.
- 29 Ekeland AG, Bowes A, Flottorp S. Effectiveness of telemedicine: a systematic review of reviews. Int J Med Inform 2010; 79: 736-71.
- 30 Pecina JL, Hanson GJ, Van Houten H, Takahashi PY. Impact of telemonitoring on older adults health-related quality of life: the Tele-ERA study. Qual Life Res 2013; 22: 2315-21.
- 31 Inglis SC, Clark RA, McAlister FA, Stewart S, Cleland JG. Which components of heart failure programmes are effective? A systematic review and meta-analysis of the outcomes of structured telephone support or telemonitoring as the primary component of chronic heart failure management in 8323 patients: Abridged Cochrane Review. Eur J Heart Fail 2011; 13: 1028-40.
- 32 Chaudhry SI, Mattera JA, Curtis JP, Spertus JA, Herrin J, Lin Z. et al. Telemonitoring in Patients with Heart Failure. N Engl J Med 2010; 363: 2301-9.
- 33 Liberati A, Altman DG, Tetzlaff J, Mulrow C, Gøtzsche PC, Ioannidis JP. et al. The PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of studies that evaluate health care interventions: explanation and elaboration. PLoS Med 2009; 6: e1000100.
- 34 Haux R, Knaup P, Bauer AW, Herzog W, Reinhardt E, Überla K. et al. Information processing in healthcare at the start of the third Millennium: potential and limitations. Yearb Med Inform 2002; 187-93.
- 35 Haux R, Knaup P, Bauer AW, Herzog W, Reinhardt E, Überla K. et al. Information processing in healthcare at the start of the third Millennium: potential and limitations. Methods Inf Med 2001; 40: 156-62.
- 36 Lukowicz P, Kirstein T, Tröster G. Wearable systems for health care applications. Yearb Med Inform 2005; 236-42.
- 37 Lukowicz P, Kirstein T, Tröster G. Wearable systems for health care applications. Methods Inf Med 2004; 43: 232-8.
- 38 Maiolo C, Mohamed EI, Fiorani CM, De Lorenzo A. Home telemonitoring for patients with severe respiratory illness: the Italian experience. Yearb Med Inform 2005; 243-7.
- 39 Maiolo C, Mohamed EI, Fiorani CM, De Lorenzo A. Home telemonitoring for patients with severe respiratory illness: the Italian experience. J Telemed Telecare 2003; 9: 67-71.
- 40 Schek H-J. Ubiquitous computing and pervasive health care. Yearb Med Inform 2005; 1-3.
- 41 Tröster G. The agenda of wearable healthcare. Yearb Med Inform 2005; 125-38.
- 42 Anliker U, Ward JA, Lukowicz P, Tröster G, Dolveck F, Baer M. et al. AMON: a wearable multiparameter medical monitoring and alert system. Yearb Med Inform 2006: 55 (summary).
- 43 Anliker U, Ward JA, Lukowicz P, Tröster G, Dolveck F, Baer M. et al. AMON: a wearable multiparameter medical monitoring and alert system. IEEE Trans Inf Technol Biomed 2004; 8: 415-27.
- 44 Cappuccio FP, Kerry SM, Forbes L, Donald A. Blood pressure control by home monitoring: meta-analysis of randomised trials. Yearb Med Inform 2006: 18 (summary).
- 45 Cappuccio FP, Kerry SM, Forbes L, Donald A. Blood pressure control by home monitoring: meta-analysis of randomised trials. BMJ 2004; 329 7458 145. Erratum in: BMJ 2004;329(7464):499.
- 46 Kuhn KA, Wurst SH, Bott OJ, Giuse DA. Expanding the scope of health information systems. Challenges and developments. Yearb Med Inform 2006; 43-52.
- 47 Stefanov DH, Bien Z, Bang WC. The smart house for older persons and persons with physical disabilities: structure, technology arrangements, and perspectives. Yearb Med Inform 2006: 56 (summary).
- 48 Stefanov DH, Bien Z, Bang WC. The smart house for older persons and persons with physical disabilities: structure, technology arrangements, and perspectives. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 2004; 12: 228-50.
- 49 Istrate D, Castelli E, Vacher M, Besacier L, Serignat JF. Information extraction from sound for medical telemonitoring. Yearb Med Inform 2007: 72 (summary).
- 50 Istrate D, Castelli E, Vacher M, Besacier L, Seri-gnat JF. Information extraction from sound for medical telemonitoring. IEEE Trans Inf Technol Biomed 2006; 10: 264-74.
- 51 Konstantas D. An overview of wearable and implantable medical sensors. Yearb Med Inform 2007; 66-9.
- 52 Pärkkä J, Ermes M, Korpipää P, Mäntyjärvi J, Peltola J, Korhonen I. Activity classification using realistic data from wearable sensors. Yearb Med Inform 2007: 72-3 (summary).
- 53 Pärkkä J, Ermes M, Korpipää P, Mäntyjärvi J, Peltola J, Korhonen I. Activity classification using realistic data from wearable sensors. IEEE Trans Inf Technol Biomed 2006; 10: 119-28.
- 54 Shea S, Weinstock RS, Starren J, Teresi J, Palmas W, Field L. et al. A randomized trial comparing telemedicine case management with usual care in older, ethnically diverse, medically underserved patients with diabetes mellitus. Yearb Med Inform 2007: 33 (summary).
- 55 Shea S, Weinstock RS, Starren J, Teresi J, Palmas W, Field L. et al. A randomized trial comparing telemedicine case management with usual care in older, ethnically diverse, medically underserved patients with diabetes mellitus. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2006; 13: 40-51.
- 56 Demiris G, Hensel BK. Technologies for an aging society: a systematic review of “smart home” applications. Yearb Med Inform 2008; 33-40.
- 57 Logan AG, McIsaac WJ, Tisler A, Irvine MJ, Saunders A, Dunai A. et al. Mobile phone-based remote patient monitoring system for management of hypertension in diabetic patients. Yearb Med Inform 2008: 31 (summary).
- 58 Logan AG, McIsaac WJ, Tisler A, Irvine MJ, Saunders A, Dunai A. et al. Mobile phone-based remote patient monitoring system for management of hypertension in diabetic patients. Am J Hypertens 2007; 20: 942-8.
- 59 Zheng JW, Zhang ZB, Wu TH, Zhang Y. A wearable mobihealth care system supporting real-time diagnosis and alarm. Yearb Med Inform 2008: 66 (summary).
- 60 Zheng JW, Zhang ZB, Wu TH, Zhang Y. A wearable mobihealth care system supporting real-time diagnosis and alarm. Med Biol Eng Comput 2007; 45: 877-85.
- 61 O’Shea SI, Arcasoy MO, Samsa G, Cummings SE, Thames EH, Surwit RS. et al. Direct-to-patient expert system and home INR monitoring improves control of oral anticoagulation. Yearb Med Inform 2010: 46 (summary).
- 62 O’Shea SI, Arcasoy MO, Samsa G, Cummings SE, Thames EH, Surwit RS. et al. Direct-to-patient expert system and home INR monitoring improves control of oral anticoagulation. J Thromb Thrombolysis 2008; 26: 14-21.
- 63 Demiris G, Thompson H. Smart homes and ambient assisted living applications: from data to knowledge-empowering or overwhelming older adults?. Yearb Med Inform 2011; 51-7.
- 64 Maeder AJ, Gogia SB, Hartvigsen G. Next generation telehealth. Yearb Med Inform 2011; 15-20.
- 65 Stroetmann V, Thiel R, Stroetmann KA, Wilson P, Romao M, Strubin M. Understanding the role of device level interoperability in promoting health - lessons learned from the SmartPersonalHealth Project. Yearb Med Inform 2011; 87-91.
- 66 Akay YM, Akay M, Welkowitz W, Semmlow JL, Kostis JB. Noninvasive acoustical detection of coronary artery disease: a comparative study of signal processing methods. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 1993; 40: 571-8.
- 67 Ishijima M. Cardiopulmonary monitoring by textile electrodes without subject-awareness of being monitored. Med Biol Eng Comput 1997; 35: 685-90.
- 68 Doughty K, Lewis R, McIntosh A. The design of a practical and reliable fall detector for community and institutional telecare. J Telemed Telecare 2000; 6 Suppl 1 S150-4.
- 69 Schwarzer G, Vach W, Schumacher M. On the misuses of artificial neural networks for prognostic and diagnostic classification in oncology. Stat Med 2000; 19: 541-61.
- 70 Budinger TF. Biomonitoring with wireless communications. Annu Rev Biomed Eng 2003; 5: 383-412.
- 71 Heckerling PS, Gerber BS, Tape TG, Wigton RS. Entering the black box of neural networks. Methods Inf Med 2003; 42: 287-96.
- 72 Lymberis A, Olsson S. Intelligent biomedical clothing for personal health and disease management: state of the art and future vision. Telemed J E Health 2003; Winter 9: 379-86.
- 73 Winters JM, Wang Y, Winters JM. Wearable sensors and telerehabilitation. IEEE Eng Med Biol Mag 2003; 22: 56-65.
- 74 Saranummi N. IT applications for pervasive, personal, and personalized health. IEEE Trans Inf Technol Biomed 2008; 12: 1-4.
- 75 Celler BG, Earnshaw W, Ilsar ED, Betbeder-Matibet L, Harris MF, Clark R. et al. Remote monitoring of health status of the elderly at home. A multidisciplinary project on aging at the University of New South Wales. Int J Biomed Comput 1995; 40: 147-55.
- 76 Intille SS. Designing a home of the future. IEEE Pervasive Computing 2002; (April-June) 80-6
- 77 Intille SS. The goal: smart people, not smart homes. In: Nugent C, Augusto JC. editors. Smart Homes and Beyond. Amsterdam: IOS; 2006
- 78 Gómez EJ, Hernando Pérez ME, Vering T, Rigla Cros M, Bott O. et al. The INCA system: a further step towards a telemedical artificial pancreas. IEEE Trans Inf Technol Biomed 2008; 12: 470-9.
- 79 Darkins A, Ryan P, Kobb R, Foster L, Edmonson E, Wakefield B. et al. Care Coordination/Home Telehealth: the systematic implementation of health informatics, home telehealth, and disease management to support the care of veteran patients with chronic conditions. Telemed J E Health 2008; 14: 1118-26.
- 80 Project HealthDesign. Last access: November 28 2015
- 81 Haux R, Hein A, Eichelberg M, Appell JE, Appelrath HJ, Bartsch C. et al. The Lower Saxony research network design of environments for ageing: towards interdisciplinary research on information and communication technologies in ageing societies. Inform Health Soc Care 2010; 35: 92-103.
- 82 Last access: November 28 2015
- 83 Last access: November 28 2015
- 84 Healy JC. The WHO eHealth Resolution. eHealth for All by 2015? Methods Inf Med 2007; 46: 2-3.
- 85 Al-Shorbaji N. The World Health Assembly Resolutions on eHealth: eHealth in support of universal health coverage. Methods Inf Med 2013; 52: 463-6.
- 86 Demiris G, Thompson HJ. Mobilizing Older Adults: Harnessing the Potential of Smart Home Technologies. Contribution of the IMIA Working Group on Smart Homes and Ambient Assisted Living. Yearb Med Inform 2012; 94-9.
- 87 Gogia SB, Maeder A, Meher S, Mars M, Hart-vigsen G, Kuthiala A. Using Personal Handheld Computing Devices for Personalizing Healthcare. Yearb Med Inform 2012; 74-8.
- 88 Khushaba RN, Kodagoda S, Lal S, Dissanayake G. Driver drowsiness classification using fuzzy wavelet-packet-based feature-extraction algorithm. Yearb Med Inform 2012: 102 (summary)
- 89 Khushaba RN, Kodagoda S, Lal S, Dissanayake G. Driver drowsiness classification using fuzzy wavelet-packet-based feature-extraction algorithm. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2011; 58: 121-31.
- 90 Koch S, Vimarlund V. Critical advances in bridging personal health informatics and clinical informatics. Yearb Med Inform 2012; 48-55.
- 91 Leong TY. Toward patient-centered, personalized and personal decision support and knowledge management: a survey. Yearb Med Inform 2012; 104-12.
- 92 Paton C, Hansen M, Fernandez-Luque L, Lau AY. Self-Tracking, Social Media and Personal Health Records for Patient Empowered Self-Care. Yearb Med Inform 2012; 16-24.
- 93 Wac K. Smartphone as a personal, pervasive health informatics services platform: literature review. Yearb Med Inform 2012; 83-93.
- 94 Abbott PA, Liu Y. A scoping review of telehealth. Yearb Med Inform 2013; 51-8.
- 95 Jeong S, Youn CH, Shim EB, Kim M, Cho YM, Peng L. An integrated healthcare system for personalized chronic disease care in home-hospital environments. Yearb Med Inform 2013: 65-6 (summary).
- 96 Jeong S, Youn CH, Shim EB, Kim M, Cho YM, Peng L. An integrated healthcare system for personalized chronic disease care in home-hospital environments. IEEE Trans Inf Technol Biomed 2012; 16: 572-85.
- 97 Klasnja P, Pratt W. Healthcare in the pocket: mapping the space of mobile-phone health interventions. Yearb Med Inform 2013: 66 (summary).
- 98 Klasnja P, Pratt W. Healthcare in the pocket: mapping the space of mobile-phone health interventions. J Biomed Inform 2012; 45: 184-98.
- 99 McCoy AB, Wright A, Eysenbach G, Malin BA, Patterson ES, Xu H. et al. State of the art in clinical informatics: evidence and examples. Yearb Med Inform 2013; 13-9.
- 100 Capozzi D, Lanzola G. A generic telemedicine infrastructure for monitoring an artificial pancreas trial. Yearb Med Inform 2014: 56-7 (summary).
- 101 Capozzi D, Lanzola G. A generic telemedicine infrastructure for monitoring an artificial pancreas trial. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 2013; 110: 343-53.
- 102 Carrault G, Mabo P. Are electronic cardiac devices still evolving?. Yearb Med Inform 2014; 128-34.
- 103 Hansen MM, Miron-Shatz T, Lau AY, Paton C. Big Data in Science and Healthcare: A Review of Recent Literature and Perspectives. Yearb Med Inform 2014; 21-6.
- 104 Luna D, Mayan JC, García MJ, Almerares AA, Househ M. Challenges and potential solutions for big data implementations in developing countries. Yearb Med Inform 2014; 36-41.
- 105 Redmond SJ, Lovell NH, Yang GZ, Horsch A, Lukowicz P, Murrugarra L. et al. What does big data mean for wearable sensor systems?. Yearb Med Inform 2014; 135-42.
- 106 Safran C. Reuse of clinical data. Yearb Med Inform 2014; 52-4.
- 107 Vimarlund V, Wass S. Big data, smart homes and ambient assisted living. Yearb Med Inform 2014; 143-9.
- 108 PewResearchCenter.. Last access: November 28 2015
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- 110 Steventon A, Bardsley M, Billings J, Dixon J, Doll H. 6. author et al Whole System Demonstrator Evaluation Team. Effect of telehealth on use of secondary care and mortality: findings from the Whole System Demonstrator cluster randomised trial. BMJ 2012 Jun 21 344: e3874.
- 111 Marschollek M, Becker M, Bauer J, Bente P, Dasenbrock L, Elbers K. et al. Multimodal activity monitoring for home rehabilitation of geriatric fracture patients – feasibility and acceptance of sensor systems in the GAL-NATARS- Study. Inform Health Soc Care 2014; 39: 262-71.
- 112 Haux R, Hein A, Kolb G, Künemund H, Eichelberg M, Appell JE. et al Lower Saxony Research Network GAL. Information and communication technologies for promoting and sustaining quality of life, health and self-sufficiency in ageing societies - outcomes of the Lower Saxony Research Network Design of Environments for Ageing (GAL). Inform Health Soc Care 2014; 39: 166-87.
- 113 German National Cohort (GNC) Consortium.. The German National Cohort: aims, study design and organization. Eur J Epidemiol 2014; 29: 371-82.
- 114 UK Biobank. Last access: November 28, 2015
- 115 Building Automation by a Scalable & Intelligent System (BASIS) project. Last access: November 28, 2015
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- 118 Nakashima N, Nohara Y, Ahamed A, Kuroda M, Inoue S, Ghosh PP. et al. An affordable, usable and sustainable preventive healthcare system for unreached people in Bangladesh. Stud Health Technol Inform 2013; 192: 1051.
- 119 Shany T, Wang K, Liu Y, Lovell NH, Redmond SJ. Are we stumbling in our quest to find the best predictor?. Over-optimism in sensor-based models for predicting falls in older adults, Healthcare Technology Letters 2015; 2 (Suppl. 04) 79-88.
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- 122 Migliorini M, Kortelainen JM, Pärkkä J, Tenhunen M, Himanen SL, Bianchi AM. Monitoring nocturnal heart rate with bed sensor. Methods Inf Med 2014; 53: 308-13.
- 123 Wang C, Lu W, Narayanan MR, Redmond SJ, Lovell NH. Low-power technologies for wearable telecare and telehealth systems: A review. Biomedical Engineering Letters 2015; 5: 1-9.
- 124 Shany T, Redmond SJ, Narayanan M, Lovell NH. Sensors-based wearable systems for monitoring of human movement and falls. IEEE Sensors Journal 2012; 12: 658-70.
- 125 Zheng YL, Ding XR, Poon CCY, Lo BPL, Zhang H, Zhou XL. et al. Unobtrusive sensing and wearable devices for health informatics. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2014; 61: 1538-54.
- 126 Gietzelt M, von Bargen T, Kohlmann M, Marschollek M, Schwartze J, Song B. et al. Home-centered health-enabling technologies and regional health information systems. An integration approach based on international standards. Methods Inf Med 2014; 53: 160-6.
- 127 Hafen E, Kossmann D, Brand A. Health data cooperatives - citizen empowerment. Methods Inf Med 2014; 53: 82-6.
- 128 Nitzsche T, Thiele S, Häber A, Winter A. Communication architecture for AAL. Supporting patient care by health care providers in AAL-enhanced living quarters. Methods Inf Med 201453 167-72.
- 129 Plischke M, Wagner M, Haarbrandt B, Rochon M, Schwartze J, Tute E. et al. The lower saxony bank of health. rationale, principles, services, organization and architectural framework. Methods Inf Med 2014; 53: 73-81.
- 130 Haux R, Ammenwerth E, Herzog W, Knaup P. Health care in the information society. A prognosis for the year 2013. Int J Med Inform 2002; 66: 3-21.
- 131 Haux R, Ammenwerth E, Knaup P. Reflections on ‘health care in the information society -a prognosis for the year 2013’. J Med Syst 2014; 38: 72.
- 132 Knaup P, Ammenwerth E, Dujat C, Grant A, Hasman A, Hein A. et al. Assessing the prognoses on Health care in the information society 2013 -thirteen years after. J Med Syst 2014; 38: 73.
- 133 De Chazal P, Fox N, O’Hare EMER, Heneghan C, Zaffaroni A, Boyle P. et al. Sleep/wake measurement using a non-contact biomotion sensor. J Sleep Res 2011; 20: 356-66.
- 134 Haux R. Medical informatics: past, present, future. Int J Med Inform 2010; 79: 599-610.
- 135 Ammenwerth E. Evidence-based Health Informatics: How Do We Know What We Know?. Methods Inf Med 2015; 54: 298-307.
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