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DOI: 10.3414/ME0461
DMSP – Database for Modeling Signaling Pathways
Combining Biological and Mathematical Modeling Knowledge for PathwaysPublication History
13 November 2006
27 February 2007
Publication Date:
18 January 2018 (online)
Objectives: Presently, the protein interaction information concerning different signaling pathways is available in a qualitative manner in different online protein interaction databases. The challenge here is to derive a quantitative way of modeling signaling pathways from qualitative way of modeling signaling pathways from a qualitative level. To address this issue we developed a database that includes mathematical modeling knowledge and biological knowledge about different signaling pathways.
Methods: The database is part of an integrative environment that includes environments for pathway design, visualization, simulation and a knowledge base that combines biological and modeling information concerning pathways. The system is designed as a client-server architecture. It contains a pathway designing environment and a simulation environment as upper layers with a relational knowledge base as the underlying layer.
Results: DMSP – Database for Modeling Signaling Pathways incorporates biological datasets from online databases like BIND, DIP, PIP, and SPiD. The modeling knowledge that has been incorporated is based on a literature study. Pathway models can be designed, visualized and simulated based on the knowledge stored in the DMSP. The user can download the whole dataset and build pathway models using the knowledge stored in our database. As an example, the TNF? pathway model was implemented and tested using this approach.
Conclusion: DMSP is an initial step towards the aim of combining modeling and biological knowledge concerning signaling pathways. It helps in understanding pathways in a qualitative manner from a qualitative level. Simulation results enable the interpretation of a biological system from a quantitative and systemtheoretic point of view.
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