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DOI: 10.3414/ME09-02-0005
Decision Support for Teletraining of COPD Patients
15. Juli 2009
11. November 2009
17. Januar 2018 (online)

Background: Supervised physical training has been shown to promote rehabilitation of patients affected by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Currently, due to limited resources, not all COPD patients can be trained by an expert supervisor.
Objectives: The objective of our research is to construct a decision support system (DSS) which observes and controls physical ergometer training sessions of COPD patients.
Methods: A systematic literature review and expert interviews were carried out to build up the knowledge base for the DSS.
Results: Nine production rules were established and standardized by Drools and Arden Syntax. The developed software autonomously controls training sessions on a bicycle ergometer on the basis of vital signs data. Thus it offers a new way for the rehabilitation of COPD patients.
Conclusion: Evaluation with nine healthy subjects in a laboratory environment has confirmed its correct function, but the effects of its use for COPD patients’ rehabilitation and their quality of life have to be investigated in a further study.
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