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DOI: 10.3414/ME09-02-0025
An Epidemiological Modeling and Data Integration Framework
11. September 2009
08. März 2010
17. Januar 2018 (online)

Objectives: In this work, a cellular automaton software package for simulating different infectious diseases, storing the simulation results in a data warehouse system and analyzing the obtained results to generate prediction models as well as contingency plans, is proposed. The Brisbane H3N2 flu virus, which has been spreading during the winter season 2009, was used for simulation in the federal state of Tyrol, Austria.
Methods: The simulation-modeling framework consists of an underlying cellular automaton. The cellular automaton model is parameterized by known disease parameters and geographical as well as demographical conditions are included for simulating the spreading. The data generated by simulation are stored in the back room of the data warehouse using the Talend Open Studio software package, and subsequent statistical and data mining tasks are performed using the tool, termed Knowledge Discovery in Database Designer (KD3).
Results: The obtained simulation results were used for generating prediction models for all nine federal states of Austria.
Conclusion: The proposed framework provides a powerful and easy to handle interface for parameterizing and simulating different infectious diseases in order to generate prediction models and improve contingency plans for future events.
* These authors contributed equally.
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