Background and Objective: The USE IT-model integrates theories about adoption and diffusion of innovations and is suitable to predict and evaluate the success of an information system from a user’s perspective. The USE IT-model consists of four determinants: relevance, requirements, resources and resistance, which are measured at the macro-level (organizational), and at the micro-level (individual). After applying the USE IT approach in several researches we evaluated and updated the USE IT-model.
Methods: We used the USE IT-model in ten case studies in healthcare and compared the results of the studies with the determinants and dimensions of the USE IT-model.
Results: The quality of the implementation process is part of the innovation process- dimension and therefore relocated as a dimension of macro-resistance. The improvements and value in the relevance determinant are made more concrete by quality, efficiency, effectiveness, and task support. The dimensions of micro-resistance are reduced, and the dimension negative consequences is added. Also the dimensions of macro- and micro-requirements are made more specific to express the importance of information quality, availability and accessibility.
Discussion and Conclusion: The research resulted in the updated USE IT-adoption-model to predict and evaluate the adoption of information systems in healthcare. The structure and determinants of the original USE IT-model with a distinction between the macro- and micro-level remained unchanged.
Adoption model - information and communication technology - healthcare - electronic patient record - evaluation