Methods Inf Med 2013; 52(04): 360-369
DOI: 10.3414/ME12-02-0016
Focus Theme – Original Articles
Schattauer GmbH

Developing and Trialling an Independent, Scalable and Repeatable IT-benchmarking Procedure for Healthcare Organisations[*]

J. D. Liebe
1   Health Informatics Research Group, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, Department of Business Management and Social Sciences, Osnabrück, Germany
U. Hübner
1   Health Informatics Research Group, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, Department of Business Management and Social Sciences, Osnabrück, Germany
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received: 04. Dezember 2012

accepted: 27. Juni 2013

20. Januar 2018 (online)


Background: Continuous improvements of IT-performance in healthcare organisations require actionable performance indicators, regularly conducted, independent measurements and meaningful and scalable reference groups. Existing IT-benchmarking initiatives have focussed on the development of reliable and valid indicators, but less on the questions about how to implement an environment for conducting easily repeatable and scalable IT-benchmarks.

Objectives: This study aims at developing and trialling a procedure that meets the afore-mentioned requirements.

Methods: We chose a well established, regularly conducted (inter-) national IT-survey of healthcare organisations (IT-Report Health-care) as the environment and offered the participants of the 2011 survey (CIOs of hospitals) to enter a benchmark. The 61 structural and functional performance indicators cov -ered among others the implementation status and integration of IT-systems and functions, global user satisfaction and the resources of the IT-department. Healthcare organisations were grouped by size and ownership. The benchmark results were made available electronically and feedback on the use of these results was requested after several months.

Results: Fifty-nine hospitals participated in the benchmarking. Reference groups consisted of up to 141 members depending on the number of beds (size) and the ownership (public vs. private). A total of 122 charts showing single indicator frequency views were sent to each participant. The evaluation showed that 94.1% of the CIOs who participated in the evaluation considered this benchmarking beneficial and reported that they would enter again. Based on the feedback of the participants we developed two additional views that provide a more consolidated picture.

Conclusion: The results demonstrate that establishing an independent, easily repeatable and scalable IT-benchmarking procedure is possible and was deemed desirable. Based on these encouraging results a new benchmarking round which includes process indicators is currently conducted.

* Supplementary online material published on our website

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