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DOI: 10.3414/ME17-05-0006
A Systematic Review of Coding Systems Used in Pharmacoepidemiology and Database Research
29. Juni 2017
09. Februar 2018
05. April 2018 (online)

Background: Clinical coding systems have been developed to translate real-world healthcare information such as prescriptions, diagnoses and procedures into standardized codes appropriate for use in large healthcare datasets. Due to the lack of information on coding system characteristics and insufficient uniformity in coding practices, there is a growing need for better understanding of coding systems and their use in pharmacoepidemiology and observational real world data research.
Objectives: To determine: 1) the number of available coding systems and their characteristics, 2) which pharmacoepidemiology databases are they adopted in, 3) what outcomes and exposures can be identified from each coding system, and 4) how robust they are with respect to consistency and validity in pharmacoepidemiology and observational database studies.
Methods: Electronic literature database and unpublished literature searches, as well as hand searching of relevant journals were conducted to identify eligible articles discussing characteristics and applications of coding systems in use and published in the English language between 1986 and 2016. Characteristics considered included type of information captured by codes, clinical setting(s) of use, adoption by a pharmacoepidemiology database, region, and available mappings. Applications articles describing the use and validity of specific codes, code lists, or algorithms were also included. Data extraction was performed independently by two reviewers and a narrative synthesis was performed.
Results: A total of 897 unique articles and 57 coding systems were identified, 17% of which included country-specific modifications or multiple versions. Procedures (55%), diagnoses (36%), drugs (38%), and site of disease (39%) were most commonly and directly captured by these coding systems. The systems were used to capture information from the following clinical settings: inpatient (63%), ambulatory (55%), emergency department (ED, 34%), and pharmacy (13%). More than half of all coding systems were used in Europe (59%) and North America (57%). 34% of the reviewed coding systems were utilized in at least 1 of the 16 pharmacoepidemiology databases of interest evaluated. 21% of coding systems had studies evaluating the validity and consistency of their use in research within pharmacoepidemiology databases of interest. The most prevalent validation method was comparison with a review of patient charts, case notes or medical records (64% of reviewed validation studies). The reported performance measures in the reviewed studies varied across a large range of values (PPV 0-100%, NPV 6-100%, sensitivity 0-100%, specificity 23-100% and accuracy 16-100%) and were dependent on many factors including coding system(s), therapeutic area, pharmacoepidemiology database, and outcome.
Conclusions: Coding systems vary by type of information captured, clinical setting, and pharmacoepidemiology database and region of use. Of the 57 reviewed coding systems, few are routinely and widely applied in pharmacoepidemiology database research. Indication and outcome dependent heterogeneity in coding system performance suggest that accurate definitions and algorithms for capturing specific exposures and outcomes within large healthcare datasets should be developed on a case-by-case basis and in consultation with clinical experts.
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- 101 Cheng C-L, Chien H-C, Lee C-H, Lin S-J, Yang Y-HK. Validity of in-hospital mortality data among patients with acute myocardial infarction or stroke in National Health Insurance Research Database in Taiwan. Int J Cardiol 2015; 201: 96-101.
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- 115 Jetté N, Reid AY, Quan H, Hill MD, Wiebe S. How accurate is ICD coding for epilepsy?. Epilepsia 2010; 51 (01) 62-69.
- 116 Schmocker RK, Caretta-Weyer H, Weiss JM, Ronk K, Havlena J, Loconte NK. et al. Determining breast cancer axillary surgery within the surveillance epidemiology and end results-Medicare database. J Surg Oncol 2014; 109 (08) 756-759.
- 117 Hagberg KW, Taylor A, Hernandez RK, Jick S. Incidence of bone metastases in breast cancer patients in the United Kingdom: Results of a multidatabase linkage study using the general practice research database. Cancer Epidemiol 2013; 37 (03) 240-246.
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- 119 Cea LSoriano, Soriano-Gabarró M, García LARodríguez. Validity and completeness of colorectal cancer diagnoses in a primary care database in the United Kingdom. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2016; 25 (04) 385-391.
- 120 Yen TWF, Laud PW, Sparapani RA, Li J, Nattinger AB. An algorithm to identify the development of lymphedema after breast cancer treatment. J Cancer Surviv 2015; 09 (02) 161-171.
- 121 Fenton JJ, Green P, Baldwin LM. Internal validation of procedure codes on medicare claims for digital mammograms and computer-aided detection. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009; 18 (08) 2186-2189.
- 122 Cogle CR, Craig BM, Rollison DE, List AF. Incidence of the myelodysplastic syndromes using a novel claims-based algorithm: High number of uncaptured cases by cancer registries. Blood 2011; 117 (26) 7121-7125.
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- 124 Cooper GS, Yuan Z, Stange KC, Amini SB, Dennis LK, Rimm AA. The Utility of Medicare Claims Data for Measuring Cancer Stage. Med Care 1999; 37 (07) 706-711.
- 125 Fombonne E, Heavey L, Smeeth L, Rodrigues LC, Cook C, Smith PG. et al. Validation of the diagnosis of autism in general practitioner records. BMC Public Health 2004; 04 (01) 5.
- 126 Dubreuil M, Peloquin C, Zhang Y, Choi HK, Inman RD, Neogi T. Validity of ankylosing spondylitis diagnoses in The Health Improvement Network. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2016; 25 (04) 399-404.
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- 128 Smith GL, Shih Y-CT, Giordano SH, Smith BD, Buchholz TA. A method to predict breast cancer stage using Medicare claims. Epidemiol Perspect Innov 2010; 07: 1.
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- 133 Liede A, Hernandez RK, Roth M, Calkins G, Larrabee K NL. Validation of international classification of diseases coding for bone metastases in electronic health records using technology-enabled abstraction. Clin Epidemiol 2015; 07: 441-448.
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- 135 Hwang YJ. b, Shariff SZ. GS b. Validity of the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision code for acute kidney injury in elderly patients at presentation to the emergency department and at hospital admission. BMJ Open. 2012 2(6).
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