Update of:
Sterile KeratitisAugenheilkunde up2date 2013; 3(01): 31-44
DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1324931
Sterile Keratitiden können als rein okuläres Problem, aber auch im Rahmen einer potenziell letalen Grunderkrankung auftreten. Diagnosestellung und Management dieser Erkrankung sind eine große Herausforderung für den Augenarzt. Neben therapeutischen Grundprinzipien für alle nicht infektiösen Keratitiden und Ulzerationen bestimmt die jeweilige Pathogenese die spezifische, u. U. lebensrettende Behandlung. Daher muss vor jeder Therapie eine akkurate, wegweisende Diagnose stehen.
Sterile keratitis shows multiple manifestations. It may occur as an ophthalmological problem but can also be part of a systemic disease, including potentially lethal systemic vasculitis. Diagnosis as well as management of this disease is a challenging task for the ophthalmologist. There are therapeutic principles which apply to all non-infectious cases of keratitis and corneal ulcerations. Specific treatments, however, are determined by the pathogenesis and may differ. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis must guide therapeutic decision making. The correct diagnosis and management of sterile ulcerative keratitis is able to restore the patientʼs vision in most cases. In potentially lethal systemic disease it may even be able to save the patientʼs life.
periphere ulzerative Keratitis - okuläre Allergie - neurotrophe Keratopathie - interstitielle Keratitis - diffuse lamelläre Keratitis
Key words
peripheral ulcerative keratitis - ocular allergy - neurotrophic keratopathy - interstitial keratitis - diffuse lamellar keratitis