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DOI: 10.1055/a-0755-1472
Schmerzrehabilitation beim CRPS
Pain Rehabilitation in CRPSPublikationsverlauf
18. Juni 2019 (online)

Zur Behandlung des komplexen regionalen Schmerzsyndroms (CRPS) gibt es verschiedene therapeutische und medikamentöse Möglichkeiten der Schmerzrehabilitation. Schwerpunkte sind die phasengerechte Physio- und Ergotherapie, unterstützt von physikalischen Maßnahmen. Eine frühe Diagnosestellung ist entscheidend für die Prognose. Bei komplexeren und schwereren Verläufen sollte die Behandlung spezialisierten Ambulanzen und Kliniken vorbehalten bleiben.
Chronic pain can be distinguished into malignant and non-malignant pain, that is, in pain with no prospect of healing, e. g. Tumor pain, and pain, where there is a chance of recovery and a good quality of life. While tumor pain is primarily about adequate and rapid pain reduction, the therapeutic treatment concept of non-malignant chronic pain is based on the bio-psycho-social model of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).
The restoration of everyday functions and participation are in particular focus, which is why it is appropriate to speak of “pain rehabilitation”. The concept of pain rehabilitation under the direction of rehabilitation physicians, in collaboration with pain therapists and psychologists, ensures optimal seamless rehabilitation from a single source with the overall rehabilitation goal, in addition to the best possible quality of life, to restore participation, in particular to reach a successful reintegration into everyday life and working life.
Using the example of the CRPS, the therapeutic and medicinal options of pain rehabilitation are presented. Focal points are the phase-appropriate physiotherapy and occupational therapy, supported by physical measures. Especially with the CRPS, an early diagnosis is crucial for the prognosis. Orthopedic surgeons are particularly required here, as are all other doctors who treat patients after injuries. The treatment of the CRPS remains challenging despite new therapeutic approaches and should be reserved for specialized outpatient departments and clinics in more complex and severe cases.
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