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DOI: 10.1055/a-0822-7712
Zusammenhang zwischen beruflichen Traumata, posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung und Depression – eine Beurteilung von systematischen Reviews
Relationship Between Occupational Trauma, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depression – An Assessment of Systematic ReviewsPublication History
Publication Date:
14 January 2019 (online)

In einem Meta-Review wurden 35 systematische Reviews zum Thema mit AMSTAR, ein Instrument zur Qualitätsbewertung von systematischen Reviews, beurteilt. 31 Reviews wiesen eine niedrige Qualität auf und hatten überwiegend Studien ohne eigene Kontrollgruppe einbezogen. Die 4 systematischen Reviews mit zumindest mittelgradiger Qualität zeigten ein signifikant erhöhtes Risiko von Soldaten nach Entsendung in einen Krieg für die Entwicklung einer posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung (PTBS) und einer Depression. Ferner zeigten sich Hinweise für ein deutlich erhöhtes PTBS-Risiko von Feuerwehrleuten und Rettungssanitätern.
In a meta-review systematic reviews were assessed with AMSTAR, a validated instrument for the quality judgement. In a systematic search in Pubmed and PsycINFO during the period 2006 – 2016 8,223 hits were found. The assessment of titles and abstracts and the total publications were done by two authors.
35 systematic reviews were included in the study. Most systematic reviews showed a low quality according to the AMSTAR criteria and included frequently primary studies without own control group. The four systematic reviews with at least moderate quality showed a significantly increased risk of soldiers after war deployment for the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. Furthermore we found a clearly increased PTSD-risk in firefighters and paramedics.
Because of the at most moderate quality of the included studies the authors came to the conclusion that a systematic review with high quality with inclusion of primary studies with own control group should be done. This paper shows despite the limited quality of the included studies for soldiers, firefighters and paramedics a high occupational PTSD-risk. Soldiers have also an increased depression-risk.
berufliches Trauma - posttraumatische Belastungsstörung - Depression - Arbeitsunfall - BerufskrankheitKeywords
occupational trauma - posttraumatic stress disorder - depression - occupational accident - occupational diseaseDie Boxen 1 und 2 sowie die Tab. 3 – 6 finden Sie online
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