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DOI: 10.1055/a-0853-7793
New Benzaldehyde and Benzopyran Compounds from the Endophytic Fungus Paraphaeosphaeria sp. F03 and Their Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Activities[*]
received 03. Dezember 2018
revised 27. Januar 2019
accepted 03. Februar 2019
19. Februar 2019 (online)

Three new benzaldehyde derivatives, sporulosaldeins A – C (1–3), and 3 new benzopyran derivatives, sporulosaldeins D – F (4–6), were discovered from an endophytic fungus, Paraphaeosphaeria sp. F03, which was isolated from Paepalanthus planifolius leaves. Compounds 1–6 were elucidated by 1- and 2-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance experiments and high-resolution mass spectrometry analysis. The absolute configuration of compound 5 was determined through the comparison of experimental and calculated electronic circular dichroism data. Compounds 1–6 were found to exhibit antifungal activity with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of 7.8 – 250 µg/mL and racemic mixture of compound 6 exhibited weak cytotoxicity against MCF-7 and LM3 with IC50 values of 34.4 and 39.2 µM, respectively.
Key words
Paraphaeosphaeria sp. F03 - benzaldehyde - benzopyran - Paepalanthus planifolius - Eriocaulaceae - endophytic fungus* Dedicated to Professor Dr. Cosimo Pizza 70th birthday in recognition of his outstanding contribution to natural product research.
Supporting Information
- Supporting Information
RMN and HRMS spectra for all new compounds 1–6, chiral chromatography analysis of compound 6, the dose-response curves leading to the IC50 determination of compound 6, and further experimental information are available as Supporting information.
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