Das Thoraxtrauma ist ein komplexes Verletzungsmuster, dessen Diagnostik und Therapie einem Notfallteam alles abverlangen. Der Begriff beschreibt Verletzungen des Brustkorbs in allen Facetten – von der Prellmarke eines Sicherheitsgurtes bis zum tödlichen Überrolltrauma mit Quetschung oder Zerreißung der Thoraxorgane. Bei der Therapie können sonografische Diagnostik und invasive Notfalltechniken erforderlich werden, die dieser Beitrag darstellt.
Chest Trauma is a complex injury pattern whose diagnostics and therapy demand everything from an emergency response team. Chest trauma subsumes thoracic injuries in all facets from the bounce mark of a seat belt to fatal rollover trauma with contusion or disruption of organs located in the thorax. Possible causes comprise blunt or penetrating trauma, as well as decelerations, chemical and thermal damage. Sonographic assessment according to a protocol plays a major role in diagnosis of underlying conditions and treatment indications. Therapeutic management may include invasive emergency techniques: Decompression of a tension pneumothorax is a fundamental life-saving intervention. Pericardiocentesis seldomly is necessary or possible in order to drain a cardiac tamponade. In case of traumatic cardiac arrest and under defined circumstances, resuscitative thoracotomy may be indicated. The out-of-hospital management may require transfusion of blood components. As with all
procedures, which are performed seldomly but under emergency conditions, invasive techniques require clear communication, precise structured working procedures and especially continuous training, team briefing, and debriefing.
Thoraxtrauma - invasive Notfalltechniken - Notfallmedizin - Sonografie
Key words
thoracic injuries - invasive emergency procedures - emergency medicine - ultrasonography