pferde spiegel, Table of Contents pferde spiegel 2019; 22(03): 120-125DOI: 10.1055/a-0977-8827 Fallbericht Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York Der klinische Fall: Intraokulares Melanom bei einer Ponystute Stefanie Einhellig , Sebastian Bartke , Vanessa Herder Recommend Article Abstract Buy Article All articles of this category Full Text References Literatur 1 Albanese V, Newton JC, Waguespack RW. Malignant melanoma of the third eyelid in a horse. Equine Vet Educ 2015; 27 (07) e15-e19 2 Scott D, Miller W. Equine Dermatology. Missouri: Saunders; 2003 3 Barnett K, Platt H. Intraocular melanomata in the horse. Equine Vet J 1990; 22 (10) 76-82 4 Gilger B. Equine Ophthalmology. Missouri: Elsevier Saunders; 2005 5 Murphy J, Young S. Intraocular Melanoma in a Horse. Vet. Pathol 1979; 16: 539-542 6 Bienert-Zeit A, Nordemann E, Borstel M von Wohlsein P, Iseringhausen M, Hellige M, Rötting A. Unilateral exophthalmos in a horse – Diagnosis, management and outcome. Pferdeheilkunde 2014; 30 (01) 81-90 7 Tóth J, Hollerrieder J, Sótonyi P. Augenheilkunde beim Pferd: Lehrbuch und Atlas. Stuttgart: Schattauer; 2010 8 Latimer CA, Wyman M. Sector iridectomy in the management of iris melanoma in a horse. Equine Vet J 1983; 15(S2): 101-104 9 Spieß BM. The use of lasers in veterinary ophthalmology: Recommendations based on literature. Photon Lasers Med 2012; 1: 95-102 10 Brazil T. Melanoma – where are we and what does the future hold? Proc Congress of British Equine Veterinary Association, Liverpool. 2015 11 Gragoudas ES, Lane AM, Munzenrider J, Egan KM, Li W. Long-term risk of local failure after proton therapy for choroidal/ciliary body melanoma. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 2002; 100: 43-49 12 Théon AP, Pascoe JR. Iridium-I92 interstitial brachytherapy for equine periocular tumours: treatment results and prognostic factors in 115 horses. Equine Vet J 1994; 27 (02) 117-121 13 Mählmann K, Feige K, Juhls C, Endmann A, Schuberth H-J, Oswald D, Hellige M, Doherr M, Cavalleri J-MV. Local and systemic effect of transfection-reagent formulated DNA vectors on equine melanoma. BMC Veterinary Research 2015; 11: 107